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Filtered by: State & Local

Heflin study on childhood injuries, SNAP benefits published

Colleen M. Heflin, Irma Arteaga, Jean Felix Ndashimye & Matthew P. Rabbitt
July 8, 2020

See related: State & Local

Tóbiás featured in WalletHub article on economic fallout from COVID-19

Áron Tóbiás, assistant professor of economics, says the most important lesson that state authorities can learn from the economic fallout of this pandemic is "the unexpected happens—better be prepared." He adds, "From a public finance perspective, state governments (and the federal government, too) might want to think about setting up more robust rainy-day funds once this crisis is over."

June 11, 2020

Banks discusses the Insurrection Act with Christian Science Monitor,

"You want to come to the aid of the states when states can’t take care of themselves," says Professor Emeritus William C. Banks, about President Trump's threat to invoke the Insurrection Act.

June 4, 2020

Landes study on COVID-19 fatalities among people with IDD published

Margaret A. Turk, Scott D. Landes, Margaret K. Formica & Katherine D. Gross
COVID-19 appears to present a greater risk to people with IDD, especially at younger ages.
June 1, 2020

See related: State & Local

Bennett discusses prejudice during NYC's cholera outbreaks in Truthout

According to David Bennett, professor emeritus of history, immigrants "drew hostility because of their poverty; the diseases they brought with them after the perilous ocean voyage; [and] the slum housing they were forced to live in."

May 26, 2020

Hou quoted in Bloomberg article on balanced-budget loopholes

"The rules are not ironclad," says Yilin Hou, professor of public administration and international affairs. "The simple reason being that state governments must operate to provide the services demanded by citizens, however harsh the rules are." 

May 26, 2020

Dennison comments on COVID-19 testing in nursing homes on

Tom Dennison, professor of practice emeritus of public administration and international affairs, explores why infection control is difficult in nursing homes in an article for

May 4, 2020

Schwartz, Rothbart study ties free school lunch to higher test scores

Amy Ellen Schwartz & Micah W. Rothbart
May 2, 2020

Monnat comments on impact of COVID-19 on minorities in Daily Gazette

"This is just another example of the negative health impacts of structural racism," says Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion. "Across all institutions, blacks are disadvantaged."

April 29, 2020

Young co-authors IBM Center for The Business of Government report on risk management, AI

Matthew Young, assistant professor of public administration and international affairs, put forth in his new book a threefold strategy to assist government leaders and public managers with how best to approach using AI.

April 24, 2020

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