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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: State & Local

Singleton study on labor unions, workplace safety published

Ling Li, Shawn Rohlin & Perry Singleton
October 2, 2020

See related: State & Local

X Lab article on improving SNAP recertification published in JBPA

Leonard M. Lopoo, Colleen Heflin & Joseph Boskovski
September 24, 2020

See related: State & Local

Maxwell scholars partner on effort to grow Syracuse’s new economy

Maxwell School scholars are partners in a project aimed at urban revitalization and positioning the City of Syracuse as a leader in the “smart” sector of the new economy – industries that use technology to drive economic growth and productivity.
September 23, 2020

See related: Grant Awards, State & Local

Jackson discusses forced sterilizations, criminalization via Truthout

"The United States’s commitment to eugenics, medical abuse and forced sterilizations depicts the complex nature of perceived criminality in this country," writes Jenn Jackson, assistant professor of political science. "By marking certain people’s bodies as inherently...anti-patriotic, the state casts a veil over the grave human rights infringements and institutional abuses it enacts against nonwhite, non-wealthy, non-male, non-normative people."

September 17, 2020

Monnat study on rural COVID-19 mortality rates published in the Journal of Rural Health

Kent Jason G. Cheng, Yue Sun & Shannon M. Monnat
September 14, 2020

See related: COVID-19, State & Local

Li study on receipt of home health care among older adults published

Jun Li, Mingyu Qi & Rachel M. Werner
September 11, 2020

See related: State & Local

Bendix speaks to Associated Press, Bloomberg about the California wildfires

"Climate change makes everything worse," says Jacob Bendix, professor of geography and the environment. "Efforts to manage fire risks "will be of limited use as long as the climate is getting warmer and in many cases getting drier."

September 10, 2020

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