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Maxwell School News and Commentary

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Military-connected student of the month: Executive Education student Chris Giglio

For many, joining the military is as much a matter of family tradition as it is a commitment to serve. For Syracuse graduate student and third-generation Naval officer Chris Giglio, it was also a matter of building on a personal history.
April 15, 2020

Baker discusses the Defense Production Act in NY Times and on CNBC

James E. Baker, director of the Institute for Security Policy and Law talked to the New York Times regarding the federal governments, authority over the security of our medical supply chain, amid urging by State and local authorities.

April 6, 2020

Hamersma’s research on SNAP access funded by WT Grant Foundation

Sarah Hamersma, an associate professor of public administration and international affairs, recently won a $140,058 award from the WT Grant Foundation to support her project “Keeping the ‘Great Equalizer’ Fed: SNAP Access and Young Adult’s Educational Engagement.” 

April 3, 2020

Banks explains the Insurrection Act in HowStuffWorks article

"The Insurrection Act may be invoked only following an invasion, insurrection or widespread domestic violence," says William C. Banks, professor emeritus of public administration and international affairs. "Only if states attempt to leave the Union would state defiance enable Insurrection Act authority. Otherwise the states control their citizens' health, welfare and safety."

April 1, 2020

Baker quoted in LA Times article on the Defense Production Act

"If there is a gap between voluntary production and what is needed, or anticipated to be needed, the DPA [Defense Production Act] is the mechanism to close that gap," says the Hon. James E. Baker, director of the Institute for Security Policy and Law.

March 26, 2020

Banks quoted in Detroit News article on deploying National Guard

The most efficient thing to do would be to grant the National Governor Associations's response, since other governors like New York's Andrew Cuomo are making the same request individually, says Professor Emeritus William C. Banks. "It’s a tremendous fiscal advantage for the state. It also enables the National Guard to do whatever they’re trained to do, including enforcing local laws if need be," Banks says. 
March 20, 2020

Stress named Onondaga Community College Foundation executive director

Kathleen Stress ’08 M.A. (PA) has been appointed the executive director of the Onondaga Community College Foundation. In her new position, Stress will oversee the foundation’s programming and outreach, while helping develop plans to attract philanthropic support for Onondaga Community College activities. 

February 27, 2020

Reeher comments on impeachment vote in Democrat & Chronicle

"The fact that this in the end became such a strict party line vote, I think it’s going to reinforce the divisions that already exist," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute.

December 19, 2019

Inaugural VPPCE program off to a successful start

The inaugural Veterans Program for Politics and Civic Engagement (VPPCE) included 18 retired military service members. It is a collaboration between the University’s Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) and the Maxwell School, with support from JPMorgan Chase.
December 9, 2019

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