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The Determinants of Teacher Attrition in Upstate New York

Jan Ondrich, Emily Pas & John Yinger
December 31, 2007

See related: Education

Changes in Rental Housing Discrimination since 1989

Seok Joon Choi, Jan Ondrich & John Yinger
December 31, 2007

See related: Housing

Power in World Politics

Michael J. Williams
December 31, 2007

Split: Class and Cultural Divisions in American Politics

Jeffrey M. Stonecash
December 31, 2007

See related: United States

Taxing Capital Income

Leonard Burman
December 31, 2007

Imagining the Sacred Past: Hagiography and Power in Early Normandy

Samantha Kahn Herrick
December 31, 2007

See related: Religion

Harriet Tubman: Myth, Memory, and History

Milton C. Sernett
December 31, 2007

Testing for Serial Correlation, Spatial Autocorrelation and Random Effects Using Panel Data

Badi H. Baltagi, Seuck Heun Song , Byoung Cheol Jung & Won Koh
August 31, 2007

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