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Essays on North Indian Folk Traditions

Susan Snow Wadley
December 31, 2005

See related: South Asia

A Financial Condition Indicator System for School Districts: A Case Study of New York

Salwa Ammar, William Duncombe, Bernard Jump, Ronald Wright
The objective of this article is to develop a financial condition indicator system (FCIS) for school districts, using New York as a case study.
November 1, 2005

Adolescent Residential Mobility and Premature Life-Course Transitions: The Role of Peer Networks

Scott J. South, Amy Lutz & Eric P. Baumer
October 26, 2005

See related: Aging

The Work Opportunity and Welfare-to-Work Tax Credits

Sarah Hamersma
September 30, 2005

See related: Economic Policy

Helping Children Left Behind: State Aid and the Pursuit of Educational Equity

John M. Yinger
This book provides an overview and five case studies of school finance reform; a resource for scholars, public officials, and others interested in education finance reform.
December 31, 2004

Intergenerational Relations Across Time and Place

Merril Silverstein
December 31, 2004

Cultural Politics in Polybius's Histories

Craige B. Champion
December 31, 2004

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