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Semi-Citizenship in Democratic Politics

Elizabeth F. Cohen
December 31, 2010

Ordinary Violence in Mussolini’s Italy

Michael R. Ebner
December 31, 2010

Learning but not Earning? The Impact of Job Corps Training for Hispanic Youths

Alfonso Flores-Lagunes, Arturo Gonzalez & Todd C. Neumann
June 30, 2010

See related: Labor

Interpreting Degree Effects in the Returns to Education

Alfonso Flores-Lagunes & Audrey Light
March 31, 2010

Countdown to Catastrophe

Leonard E. Burman
March 31, 2010

Justice, Power, and the Political Landscape

Don Mitchell
December 31, 2009

Building Peace: Practical Reflections from the Field

Robert A. Rubinstein
December 31, 2009

Survive Then Thrive: Completing the Economics Ph.D.

Donald H. Dutkowsky
December 31, 2009

Demobbed: Coming Home After World War Two

Alan Allport
December 31, 2009

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