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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Research

Schwartz article on the causal effect of moving schools on student performance

Amy Ellen Schwartz, Leanna Stiefel & Sarah A. Cordes
June 17, 2016

Schwartz paper on neighborhoods schools and obesity published in PLOS ONE

Brian Elbel, Sean P. Corcoran, Amy Ellen Schwartz
June 15, 2016

See related: Health Policy, Longevity

Schwartz study on breakfast, obesity and academic performance published in JPAM

Sean P. Corcoran, Brian Elbel & Amy Ellen Schwartz
May 31, 2016

WP 190 The Dynamic Effect of Disability on Marriage

Ling Li & Perry Singleton
May 31, 2016

See related: Parenting & Family

Rothenberg paper on Indonesia’s informal sector published in World Development

Alexander D. Rothenberg, Arya Gaduh, Nicholas E. Burgera, Charina Chazali, Indrasari Tjandraningsih, Rini Radikun, Cole Sutera & Sarah Weilant
March 31, 2016

See related: East Asia

Baltagi generalized mixed regressive spatial autoregressive panel data article published in ER

Badi H. Baltagi & Long Liu
This article suggests random and fixed effects spatial two-stage least squares estimators for the generalized mixed regressive spatial autoregressive panel data model.
March 31, 2016

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