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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Research

Rosenthal article on housing price bubbles, new supply, and within-city dynamics published in JUE

Crocker H. Liu, Adam Nowak & Stuart S. Rosenthal
October 31, 2016

See related: Housing

WP 193 Incentivizing Healthy Eating in Children

Saied Toossi
The author examines the impact of reward-based incentives in inducing the choice and consumption of healthier foods among children.
October 31, 2016

WP 198 Retention Heterogeneity in New York City Schools

Douglas Almond, Ajin Lee & Amy Ellen Schwartz
Using regression discontinuity methods, the authors find that female students are 25% more likely to be retained in their grade due to exam failure than boys. 
October 31, 2016

See related: New York State

WP 197 The Health Care Expenditure and Income: A Global Perspective

Badi H. Baltagi, Raffaele Lagravinese, Francesco Moscone & Elisa Tosetti
This paper investigates the long-run economic relationship between health care expenditure and income in the world.
October 31, 2016

Lopoo article on government spending and economic growth published in Southern Economic Journal

Susan E. Mayer, Leonard M. Lopoo & Lincoln H. Groves
September 30, 2016

A Roadmap For Reducing Gun Violence in America

Daniel Webster
September 30, 2016

Rothbart study on middle school bullying, safety and belonging published in AERJ

Amy Ellen Schwartz, Leanna Stiefel & Michah W. Rothbart
September 30, 2016

See related: Education

Multi-Method Social Science

Jason Seawright, Northwestern University, Illinois
September 30, 2016

See related: Research Methods

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