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Sean Callahan serves in Pacific Islands and Mongolia for USAID

Sean Callahan ’98 J.D./M.P.A. has been promoted to deputy mission director for the Pacific and Mongolia at USAID. He previously served as deputy assistant administrator for program operations in USAID’s Bureau for Legislative and Public Affairs.

June 5, 2019

Laurence Mass is made partner at investment practice

Laurence H. Mass ’87 B.A. (Econ/PSt) has joined Dye Creek Capital as a partner. In this new role, he will focus on investments, borrowing and liability management, risk management and trust, estate and fiduciary services.

June 4, 2019

Maxwell alum John Mandyck discusses sustainability implications in Harvard Business Review

"There is a growing body of data showing that companies adopting sustainability practices outperform their peers," writes John Mandyck ’89 B.A. (PSt)/’92 M.P.A. and his co-author.

June 3, 2019

Professorship to focus on environmental sustainability and finance

A gift from Kenneth and Tracey Pontarelli will fund a Maxwell professorship on research and teaching in the area of environmental sustainability and finance.
June 3, 2019

Alumni Spotlight: Freshman Rep From Florida

Donna Shalala took a look at Washington and decided that the Capitol needed someone like her. Meet the new Congresswoman from Florida.

June 1, 2019

See related: Congress, Washington, D.C.

Alumni Spotlight: Looking for Maria Duval

Melanie Hicken and her CNN reporting partner detail a massive, decades-long scam that cost many their life savings. It’s all described in the reporters’ new book.

June 1, 2019

Climate Change in the Classroom

New courses and a new major meet University-wide student interest in the challenges of energy, environment, and sustainability.

June 1, 2019

Mary Daly’s Crooked Path

From family-life struggles in her teens that nearly doomed her career, to a pinnacle of American economic thinking, San Francisco Fed president Mary Daly discusses finding her “North Star” and the inequalities that afflict the American economy.
June 1, 2019

Award honors alumna and former faculty member Rosemary O’Leary

The award, named after former Maxwell faculty member Rosemary O’Leary ‘88 Ph.D. (PA), recognizes the best article published in a public administration journal on the topic of women and public administration.

May 13, 2019

See related: Awards & Honors

Heather Newton heads mental illness organization in Rochester

Heather Newton ’96 MPA was named executive director of the Rochester Chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), a grassroots mental health organization. NAMI advocates, educates, and develops policy aimed at improving mental health in the United States
May 13, 2019

Robin Lamott Sparks heads End Hunger Connecticut!

Robin Lammott Sparks is the new executive director for End Hunger Connecticut!, an organization dedicated to eliminating hunger and promoting healthy nutrition in Connecticut.
May 13, 2019

Commencement Speaker Mary C. Daly G’94 bloomed at Syracuse University

“These graduates are our future. I’m at this point in my career where I’m thinking about what these graduates are going to accomplish. If I can have even the smallest influence on how they think of themselves and how proud and hopeful we are of them, that’s the honor of being the Commencement speaker,” says Maxwell alumna Mary C. Daly G’94.

May 9, 2019

See related: Education

Drew Kinney '18 PhD (PSc) discusses crisis in Venezuela in The Washington Post

Drew Kinney '14 M.A./'18 Ph.D. (PSc) says head of the National Assembly Juan Guaidó's "courting of the military to intervene in the political process and overthrow a state’s executive leadership is a textbook case of civilian coup advocacy."

May 3, 2019

Philip Racicot named athletic director at Keene State

Philip Racicot ’15 B.A. (PSc) joins Keene State Athletics with more than 20 years of experience in athletics.

April 30, 2019

Lerner Graduate Fellow Alumna Jordana Gilman receives SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence

Jordana Gilman, an MD/MPH student who will graduated Sunday, May 5, has been selected as one of 210 SUNY students from across the state to receive a 2019 Chancellor’s Award for Excellence. SUNY Chancellor Kristina Johnson said the student winners “made the choice to be leaders, on their campuses, prioritize their studies and serve their communities.”
April 29, 2019

See related: Awards & Honors

Tricia Russell appointed chief of staff for Senator Cory Booker

Tricia Russell ’05 B.A. (PSt/PSc) is chief of staff for Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey. She was formerly chief of staff for U.S. Representative Josh Gottheimer and Representative Steve Israel.

April 18, 2019

Derek Slap sworn in as Connecticut State Senator

Derek Slap ’95 B.A. (IR) was recently sworn in as a Democratic state senator for the 5th State Senate District of Connecticut. Slap is also the vice president of marketing and communications at the UConn Foundation and a lecturer in political science at Yale University.

April 17, 2019

Chance Briggs '97 MPA discusses Mozambique cyclone on NPR

Chance Briggs '97 M.P.A., country director for Save The Children in Mozambique, says "the Southern hemisphere has never seen anything like this in a natural disaster." He assesses that "right now, funding is the urgent need...If we don't get people quickly back on their feet now, they will have trouble reconstructing their houses, reconstructing their livelihoods."

April 12, 2019

Jean Mercier co-authors book on sustainable urban transport

Jean Mercier ’82 Ph.D. (PA), adjunct professor of political science at the l’Université Laval, has co-authored a book which explores the governance patterns of three cities in the Americas: Seattle, Montreal, and Curritiba, Brazil. Utilizing theories such as path dependency, institutional culture, and transaction costs, the authors explore how each of these cities responds differently to common challenges in sustainable urban transport.

April 12, 2019

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