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mary dalys crooked path

From family-life struggles in her teens that nearly doomed her career, to a pinnacle of American economic thinking, San Francisco Fed president Mary Daly discusses finding her “North Star” and the inequalities that afflict the American economy.
January 10, 2020

Uechi completes book on public dimensions of information technology

Edward Uechi ’08 MPA has written Public Service Information Technology: The Definitive Manager’s Guide to Harnessing Technology of Cost-Effective Operations and Services (Productivity Press, 2020). Uechi's book explores the complex intersections between various areas of information technology management.

January 7, 2020

See related: Awards & Honors

Douglas presented with executive leadership award

Judy Douglas ’77 B.A. (AmSt)/’81 M.P.A. was given the Industry Executive Leadership Award by the American Council for Technology-Industry Advisory Council. Douglas received this award in recognition for contributions to ACT-IAC, her mentorship, and her work strengthening government-industry relations.

December 31, 2019

See related: Awards & Honors

Rossman appointed to California’s wildfire board

Rhoda Rossman ’82 M.P.A. has been appointed to the California Catastrophe Response Council by Governor Gavin Newsom. The council is responsible for overseeing the California Wildfire Fund, which contains $20 billion in capital liquidity earmarked for paying uninsured destruction due to wildfire damage.

December 24, 2019

Zogby honored as French institute’s keynote speaker

John Zogby ’74 M.A. (Hist) is a senior partner at John Zogby Strategies, and widely recognized as one of the most accurate pollsters in the world today.

December 19, 2019

See related: Awards & Honors

Flannery recognized as trailblazer in public finance

Having spent more than 19 years in public finance, Kelly Flannery ’00 B.A. (IR) currently serves as the chief financial officer for the City of Charlotte, North Carolina.

December 10, 2019

See related: Awards & Honors

Maxwell alumnae co-host podcast, interview Maxwell’s Leonard Lopoo

Rebecca Casciano ’03 M.P.A. founded Glass Frog in 2012 with the goal of making her research insights from her time as a Ph.D. student at Princeton actionable. Jennifer Puma ’03 M.P.A. is currently Glass Frog's senior manager for operations and client delivery. They spoke with Leonard Lopoo, Maxwell Advisory Board Professor of Public Policy and director of Maxwell’s Center for Policy Research, about new trends and academic developments in program evaluation.

December 10, 2019

Three recent Maxwell grads named to CNY 40 under Forty

The award, now in its 22nd year, recognizes and empowers the future leaders of Central New York by highlighting their accomplishments across the region. As part of this program, each honoree will participate in a community volunteer project with a local nonprofit organization.

December 10, 2019

See related: Awards & Honors

Veterans Week 2019 Stories of Service, EMPA student Dan Cordial

"During my senior year, I was accepted to an internship in the office of Assemblywoman Pamela Hunter (D-Syracuse)," Daniel Cordial, a current E.M.P.A. candidate, says. "After that internship was over, they called me up and offered me a job that had a flexible schedule so that I could continue school."

November 12, 2019

Schwab joins United States of Care

Andrew Schwab ‘03 B.A. (Hist/PSt) was named the senior manager of policy and federal affairs at the United States of Care. In his new role, Schwab will focus on expanding the organization's footprint among federal policy makers in both the legislative and executive branches. 

November 12, 2019

Armstrong, Singleton cited in Science article on Caribbean excavation

Doug Armstrong and Theresa Singleton, both professors of anthropology, were interviewed for the Science article "Caribbean excavation offers intimate look at the lives of enslaved Africans." They shared insight from their own research on plantation slavery in the Caribbean. Maxwell alum Mark Hauser '98 MA (Anth)/'01 PhD (Anth) was also mentioned in the article.
November 8, 2019

Elliot J. Stamler ’60 makes legacy gift to support academic excellence

Elliot J. Stamler ’60 BA (PSc) has named the University as a beneficiary of a portion of his estate, totaling $5,480,000, to be directed to multiple recipients on campus to support academic and research excellence.
November 6, 2019

See related: Giving

Stone He appointed executive director of Binghamton Discovery Center

Jessica Stone He '03 MPA was named the executive director of the Discovery Center in Binghamton, NY. 
November 6, 2019

Maxwell alumnus wins public voices fellowship

Carl Frederick (Terry) Kaelber ‘87 MPA has been named an Encore Public Voices Fellow by The fellowships are granted to people and organizations that help experienced private-sector employees transition into careers of public service.

November 1, 2019

See related: Awards & Honors

Gift funds research, training on international health care

The Health Management Faculty Development Fund, established from a gift by David Dean '76 M.S.Sc./'78 Ph.D. (SSc), will support research and teaching by a soon-to-be-hired faculty member, who will focus on health care policy and management.

October 31, 2019

See related: Giving, Health Policy

Maxwell alumna one of City & State's 2019 NYC 40 Under 40 Rising Stars

Maidel De La Cruz '15 M.P.A. is the current chief of staff for New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's Office of City Legislative Affairs. 

October 30, 2019

Ruddock named executive director at MASSCreative

Emily Ruddock ‘13 M.P.A. was named the executive director of MASSCreative, a Boston-based nonprofit involved in statewide advocacy for creative communities. She is responsible for leading the full breadth of the organization’s efforts to increase the funding and perceived value of art, culture, and creativity.

October 30, 2019

Econ grad Hillmeyer joins Colliers International

Colliers International, a real estate services and investment management company, hired Alec Hillmeyer ’18 B.A. (Econ) as a retail division associate. Previoiusly, Hillmeyer was vice president at Social Movement Media, a full-service digital marketing agency. 

October 25, 2019

Temnycky explores Ukraine's relationship with the EU in Atlantic Council article

In his latest column for the Atlantic Council's UkraineAlert series titled "Is Europe giving up on Ukraine?," Mark Temnycky '17 MPA/IR examines Ukraine's fragile relationship with the European Union.
October 23, 2019

Maxwell alumnus named one of New Jersey’s most influential millennials

Marshall Spevak ’10 B.A. (PSc) was named one of New Jersey’s most influential millennials. Spevak received this award as recognition of his extensive work as a political operative at the New Jersey Statehouse.

October 23, 2019

See related: Awards & Honors

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