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Maxwell alum Chris Meek speaks with Fox News about empowering veterans

Chris Meek '92 B.A. (Econ/PSc), current E.M.P.A. student and chairman of SoldierStrong, says that the use of technology can help injured veterans get back on their feet. 

June 19, 2018

The Investor

Gerry Cramer was the perfect friend of the Maxwell School - generous, visionary, and ultimately trusting. Cramer passed away on February 13, 2018.

June 1, 2018

See related: Centennial, Giving, In Memoriam

Journalism and Ideals of Democracy

These are interesting times for journalists in America. We reached out to nine of them, all with degrees from Maxwell. With their public affairs education, they understand as well as any journalists what the vigor of the press means to us all.
May 21, 2018

Maxwell celebrates graduates, faculty at Commencement Weekend 2018

Commencement weekend for graduates of the Maxwell School at Syracuse University began on Friday, May 11 in Hendricks Chapel with Maxwell’s 2018 Graduate Convocation honoring Master’s and doctoral degree candidates across the school’s scholarly and professional programs.
May 18, 2018

See related: Student Experience

Econ alum Mary Daly discusses inclusion in economics profession in FT

"The economics profession still struggles to be inclusive. But my hope is that one day, when a woman (of whatever height) presents her research, no one will be surprised when she does a stellar job," writes Mary Daly ’91 M.Phil. (Econ)/’94 Ph.D. (Econ).

May 17, 2018

Hamish Gibbs ’17 BA (Geography) named Saint Andrew’s Society of NY Scholar

The Saint Andrew’s Society of New York Scholarship, which named Hamish Gibbs ’17 B.A. (Geog) as one of its recipients, funds one year of graduate study in Scotland for students in the United States who are of Scottish descent.

April 10, 2018

Disaster’s Wake

Steve Hagerty’s company helps communities facing disasters — acts of God and acts of terror that would otherwise overwhelm the regular operations of government.

March 12, 2018

Winter ’18 Perspective features undergrad research, Ralph Ketcham

The Winter 2018 edition of Maxwell Perspective was recently printed and mailed to all alumni, faculty, staff, students, and other friends of the Maxwell School. At the same time, online editions of many of the articles are now available at the Maxwell Perspective website.
February 20, 2018

PhD student Fabiola Ortiz discusses harassment on NY farms with NPR

Fabiola Ortiz '16 MA (Anth) and PhD student in anthropology was interviewed for the segment "A Sexual Harassment Nightmare in Rural New York" on NPR's Latino USA. "When you are an undocumented farmworker, you have very little resources," says Ortiz, who studies New York dairy farmworkers. "Maybe you don’t know the language well. Maybe you’re new to New York and you don’t know where you are." 02/15/18
February 15, 2018

See related: Agriculture

90th Anniversary Party

One of the highlights of Maxwell’s 90th anniversary celebrations this year was a school-wide party. Notably, the Passport to Our Past activity invited people to carry a small, informative mock passport to stations at departments, centers, and institutes around the School, thus reminding those “travelers” of all the individual enterprises that make up Maxwell.

February 10, 2018

See related: School History

Baldanza gift supports undergraduate research

A $125,000 challenge gift from Ben and Marcia Baldanza will help underwrite undergraduate research and scholarship at the Maxwell School. The Baldanza Endowment for Undergraduate Excellence will meet expenses associated with undergraduate research and experiential learning. It will help fund Maxwell’s annual Celebration of Undergraduate Scholarship, an event held near the end of each academic year to share and reward undergraduate research projects.
February 9, 2018

Harkin estate gift supports Birkhead-Burkhead Fund

Alumnus James M. Harkin ’76 M.S.Sc./’78 Ph.D. (SSc) and his wife, Lucille Boilard-Harkin, have made estate plans that will provide ongoing scholarship support to students in Maxwell’s M.P.A. degree program. The gift will support Maxwell’s Birkhead-Burkhead Fund, of which James Harkin was a founding donor in 1987.

February 7, 2018

Challenge Will Fund Undergrad Research

A new gift to Maxwell will help underwrite undergraduate research and scholarship, potentially to the tune of $125,000.

January 1, 2018

See related: Student Experience

Fulbright recipient from Maxwell flourishes in living, learning abroad

The best part of living and studying abroad for Frederick “Rick” Cieri ’17 BA (IR) is learning something new every day. That includes the joy of honing his skills in foreign languages—four, so far. “You can never stop learning more about a foreign culture, just as you can never stop learning while studying a language,” Cieri says. “For me, this makes every day an exciting opportunity to learn something new, to better understand a foreign culture and to enhance my vocabulary—in whichever language I am engaging with that day.”

December 12, 2017

Keck, Hoy discuss case on artistic expression, civil rights in Post Standard

"As far as the First Amendment is concerned, LGBT rights advocates should have the full and free right to advocate for their point of view and opponents of LGBT rights have the right to advocate for their point of view," Thomas M. Keck, Michael O. Sawyer Chair of Constitutional Law and Politics, says.

December 5, 2017

Maxwell alum paper on Ukraine's education law published on BlogActiv

Recent graduate Mark Temnycky '17 MPA/IR outlines the controversy surrounding Ukraine’s recent education law, and the steps the Eastern European state has taken to comply with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in this article published on BlogActiv. 11/30/17
November 30, 2017

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