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The Effect of the Earned Income Tax Credit on Housing and Living Arrangements

Natasha Pilkauskas & Katherine Michelmore
August 15, 2019

What a Difference a Grade Makes: Evidence from New York City's Restaurant Grading Policy

Michah W. Rothbart, Amy Ellen Schwartz, Thad D. Calabrese, Zachary Papper, Todor Mijanovich, Rachel Meltzer & Diana Silver
July 27, 2019

Using Census Data to Understand County-Level Differences in Overall Drug Mortality and Opioid-Related Mortality by Opioid Type

Shannon M. Monnat, David J. Peters, Mark T. Berg & and Andrew Hochstetler
July 2, 2019

Bounds on Average and Quantile Treatment Effects on Duration Outcomes under Censoring, Selection, and Noncompliance

German Blanco, Xuan Chen, Carlos A. Flores & Alfonso Flores-Lagunes
June 25, 2019

Opioid misuse initiation: Implications for intervention

Khary K. Rigg, Katherine McLean, Shannon M. Monnat, Glenn E Sterner III & Ashton M. Verdery
May 15, 2019

Structural changes in heterogeneous panels with endogenous regressors

Badi H. Baltagi, Qu Feng & Chihwa Kao
May 1, 2019

A time-space dynamic panel data model with spatial moving average errors

Badi H. Baltagi, Bernard Fingleton & Alain Pirotte
April 30, 2019

Nonparametric Estimation of the Marginal Effect in Fixed-Effect Panel Data Models

Yoonseok Lee, Debasri Mukherjee & Aman Ullah
April 30, 2019

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