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How to Lie with Maps, 3rd Edition

Mark Monmonier
December 31, 2018

See related: Maps

New Dimensions in Spirituality, Religion and Aging

Merril Silverstein
December 31, 2018

See related: Aging, Religion

Conflict and Collaboration: For Better or Worse

Catherine M. Gerard and Louis Kriesberg
December 31, 2018

The Code of Putinism

Brian Taylor
December 31, 2018

See related: Russia

Resisting Occupation in Kashmir

Mona Bhan
December 31, 2018

See related: India

Adam Smith and Rousseau: Ethics, Politics, Economics

Dennis C. Rasmussen
December 31, 2018

Health Insurance and Human Capital: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act’s Dependent Coverage Mandate

Leonard M. Lopoo, Emily B. Cardon & Kerri M. Raissian
November 30, 2018

Giving Circle Membership: How Collective Giving Impacts Donors

Julia L. Carboni & Angela Eikenberry
November 19, 2018

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