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A Generalized Spatial Panel Data Model with Random Effects

Badi H. Baltagi, Peter Egger & Michael Pfaffermayr
January 31, 2013

Essays in Honor of Jerry Hausman

Badi H. Baltagi, R. Carter Hill, Whitney K. Newey, Halbert L. White
December 17, 2012

Outsourcing Mutual Fund Management: Firm Boundaries, Incentives and Performance

Joseph Chen, Harrison G. Hong, Wenxi Jiang & Jeffrey D. Kubik
November 25, 2012

Insult to Injury: Disability, Earnings, and Divorce

Perry Singleton
September 30, 2012

See related: Parenting & Family

Natalist Policies in the United States

Leonard M. Lopoo & Kerri M. Raissian
September 30, 2012

Intergroup Relations in Integrated Schools: A Glimpse Inside Interdistrict Magnet Schools

Robert Bifulco, Christian Buerger & Casey Cobb
August 31, 2012

The Perverse Public and Private Finances of Long-Term Care

Leonard E. Burman
August 31, 2012

See related: Taxation

Debt and Deception: How States Avoid Making Hard Fiscal Decisions

Robert Bifulco, Beverly Bunch, William Duncombe, Mark Robbins & William Simonsen
August 31, 2012

Mobility-Based Explanation of Crime Incentives

Yoonseok Lee & Donggyun Shin
June 30, 2012

See related: Crime & Violence

Strategic substitutes or complements? The Game of Where to Fish

Robert L. Hicks, William C. Horrace & Kurt E. Schnier
April 30, 2012

Financial Constraints on Corporate Goodness

Harrison G. Hong, Jeffrey D. Kubik & José Scheinkman
April 25, 2012

Estimation of sample selection models with spatial dependence

Alfonso Flores-Lagunes & Kurt Erik Schnier
February 29, 2012

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Center for Policy Research
426 Eggers Hall