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Affirmative Action in Undergraduate Education

Peter Arcidiacono, Michael Lovenheim & Maria Zhu
May 5, 2015

Firm-Level Productivity Spillovers in China's Chemical Industry: A Spatial Hausman-Taylor Approach

Badi H. Baltagi, Peter H. Egger & Michaela Kesina
Authors assess intrasectoral spillovers in total factor productivity across Chinese producers in the chemical industry using panel data on firms from 2004-2006.
May 3, 2015

See related: China

Averaged Instrumental Variables Estimators

Yoonseok Lee & Yu Zhou
The authors develop averaged instrumental variables estimators as a way to deal with many weak instruments. 
April 30, 2015

Economic Well-Being among Older-Adult Households: Variation by Veteran and Disability Status

Janet Wilmoth, Andrew London & Colleen Heflin
April 28, 2015

See related: Veterans

Racial/Ethnic Differences in Use of Health Care Services for Diabetes Management

Raeven Faye Chandler & Shannon M. Monnat
April 3, 2015

Estimation of Heterogeneous Panels with Structural Breaks

Badi H. Baltagi
The authors explore whether the common correlated effects estimator have the same asymptotic distribution as if the true change points were known.
February 28, 2015

Carbon Taxes and Fiscal Reform in the United States

Dale W. Jorgenson, Richard J. Goettle, Mun S. Ho & Peter J. Wilcoxen
February 28, 2015

See related: Climate Change

The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and Food Insecurity

Colleen Heflin, Irma Arteaga & Sara Gable
February 28, 2015

See related: Food Security

Measuring Peer Effects in the Brazilian School System

Sergio Firpo, Hugo Jales & Cristine Pinto
February 26, 2015

Is Neighbourhood Destiny? Exploring the Link Between Neighbourhood Mobility and Student Outcomes

Sarah A Cordes, Amy Ellen Schwartz, Leanna Stiefel & Jeffrey Zabel
January 7, 2015

See related: Education

Change and Persistence in the Economic Status of Neighborhoods and Cities

Stuart S. Rosenthal & Stephen L. Ross
December 31, 2014

Toward an Understanding of Productivity in Education

Jennifer King Rice & Amy Ellen Schwartz
December 31, 2014

Adaptive Elastic Net GMM Estimation with Many Invalid Moment Conditions: Simultaneous Model and Moment Selection

Mehmet Caner, Xu Han & Yoonseok Lee
This paper develops the adaptive elastic net GMM estimator in large dimensional models with many possibly invalid moment conditions.
December 31, 2014

Estimation and Identification of Change Points in Panel Models with Nonstationary or Stationary Regressors and Error Term

Badi H. Baltagi, Chihwa Kao & Long Liu.
The authors prove consistency and derive the asymptotic distributions of the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and First Difference (FD) estimators and that the FD estimator is robust for all cases considered.
December 31, 2014

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Center for Policy Research
426 Eggers Hall