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Center for Policy Research News

Heflin paper on childhood injuries and food stamp benefits published in BMC Pediatrichealt

Colleen M. Heflin, Irma Arteaga, Jean Felix Ndashimye & Matthew P. Rabbitt
August 5, 2021

Montez article on US state policies, politics and life expectancy published in Milbank Quarterly

Jennifer Karas Montez, Jason Beckfield, Julene Kemp Cooney, Jacob M. Grumbach, Mark D. Hayward, Huseyin Zeyd Koytak, Steven H. Woolf, Anna Zajacova
August 5, 2021

Chen, Popp article on green stimulus in a post-pandemic recovery published in ERE

Ziqiao Chen, Giovanni Marin, David Popp & Francesco Vona
August 5, 2021

See related: COVID-19

Brown, Nanni paper on self-esteem in recovery published in Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly

Austin McNeill Brown, Mariah Brennan Nanni & Onawa P. LaBelle
August 5, 2021

Rhubart, Monnat, Pendergrast paper published in Public Policy and Aging Report

Danielle C. Rhubart, Shannon M. Monnat, Leif Jensen & Claire Pendergrast
August 5, 2021

Wolf, Monnat, Montez article on effects of preemption laws on infant mortality published in PM

Douglas A. Wolf, Shannon M. Monnat & Jennifer Karas Montez
August 5, 2021

London article on gender transition, embodiment and sex specific cancer screenings published

Tre Wentling, Carrie Elliott, Andrew S. London, Natalee Simpson & Rebecca Wang

The study responds to a call for studies of “embodied experiences of stigma in context” by investigating how transgender embodiment shapes perceived needs for access to and experiences of “sex-specific” cancer screenings (SSCS) (e.g., breast and prostate exams, Pap smears) in the North American healthcare system.

August 5, 2021

Karas Montez article on US state disparity in life expectancy published in AJPH

Mateo P. Farina, Anna Zajacova, Jennifer Karas Montez & Mark D. Hayward
August 4, 2021

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Center for Policy Research
426 Eggers Hall