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Maxwell School News and Commentary

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Leonard Lopoo Named Volcker Chair at Maxwell School

A faculty member since 2004, he additionally serves as the director of the Center for Policy Research and director and co-founder of the Maxwell X Lab. 
August 19, 2021

David Barbier Jr. ’23 BA (IR) named 2021 Jeff Ubben Posse Fellow

David Barbier Jr. ’23 was looking to explore more of his professional interest in television, radio and film and stretch himself in a challenging role. He found what he was searching for after applying and being named a 2021 Jeff Ubben Posse Fellow
August 9, 2021

Students Help Build Food System Rooted in Social Justice, Equity

Jonnell Robinson, associate professor of geography and the environment in the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, was selected by the Lender Center as the 2020-22 Lender Center Faculty Fellow.
July 30, 2021

In Memoriam: Montgomery Meigs, Retired General and Former Bantle Chair

Montgomery C. Meigs, a retired four-star general who commanded U.S. Army forces in Europe and served as the Louis A. Bantle Chair in Business and Government Policy at the Maxwell School, died on July 6, 2021, in Austin, Texas. He was 76.
July 29, 2021

See related: In Memoriam, Veterans

Feeding the Next Generation

Catherine Bertini has guided many students to the World Food Programme, the United Nations organization honored with a Nobel Peace Prize. 
July 27, 2021

Student Spotlight: Compassion for Community

Senior scholar Lia Chabot ’21 B.S. (Econ/CCE) combines academic interests with real-world experiences and activism in pursuing goals.
July 21, 2021

A Call to be ‘Audacious and Bold’

Maxwell's advisory board has a vital role in guiding the School's efforts in diversity, equity and inclusion.
July 20, 2021

Maxwell School Announces 2021 Faculty Promotions

The Syracuse University Board of Trustees has approved promotions for six faculty members at the Maxwell School. Two of them, Dimitar Gueorguiev and Guido Pezzarossi, were granted tenure in their promotion from assistant to associate professor.
July 16, 2021

Gift Honors Professor, Seeks to Broaden Connections to Asia

Yang Ni ’95 and his wife, Xiaoqing Li ’96 have donated $150,000 to establish a scholarship fund in memory of Manfred Stanley, professor emeritus of sociology. They’ve also given $350,000 to Maxwell to establish the Yang Ni and   Xiaoqing Li Endowment Fund for U.S.-China/Asia Relations to encourage greater connections between Maxwell faculty and scholars in China and Asia. 
July 14, 2021

See related: China, Giving

Alumni Spotlight: Into the Fray

Carolyn Bourdeaux ’03 Joins Congress Days Before Capitol Riot
July 12, 2021

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