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Maxwell School News and Commentary

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What’s at Stake in Ukraine? Maxwell Faculty Examine the Impact of Russia’s Invasion

The Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs hosted a panel discussion and Q&A Monday, titled “What’s at Stake in Ukraine?” The event brought together respected faculty experts who examined the repercussions of Russia’s invasion.

March 4, 2022

Lender Student Fellows Think Globally, Act Locally to Ease Struggles for Underrepresented Population

The current cohort of Lender Center student fellows, which includes two Maxwell students, bring a variety of interests from a diverse educational background. However, they all have one thing in common: a goal of making the Syracuse community and the world a better place to live.
February 25, 2022

See related: Student Experience

Geography and the Environment Department Welcomes Two Scholars

At the start of the spring 2022 semester, the Maxwell School’s Geography and the Environment Department welcomed two new faculty members, one of whom was hired as part of the University’s research clusters initiative.

February 17, 2022

Maxwell’s Washington Programs Welcome Scholars and Senior-Level Practitioners

Former Secretary of the U.S. Army Ryan D. McCarthy has joined the Maxwell School’s Washington, D.C., office as a Dean’s Scholar in Residence. He is joined this academic year by eight scholars and senior-level practitioners who are sharing their expertise with students as adjunct professors in Maxwell’s Washington undergraduate and graduate programs.

February 9, 2022

Perreault Receives CLAG Carl O. Sauer Distinguished Scholarship Award

The award is given in recognition for a corpus of important published work or other significant contribution toward Latin American geography.
February 4, 2022

See related: Awards & Honors

In Memoriam: Peter T. Marsh, ‘Gifted Teacher, Accomplished Scholar’

Peter T. Marsh, professor emeritus of history, died at home in Birmingham, England, on Jan. 4. Marsh joined the Maxwell School in 1967 and served as department chair from 1968-70.
February 4, 2022

See related: In Memoriam

Action for a Sustainable Future

An internship with Syracuse University’s Sustainability Management team provided hands-on experience and complimented Naomi Weinflash's majors in policy studies and citizenship and civic engagement. 
January 31, 2022

Gift Supports Professorship to Inspire Generations of Engaged Citizens

Shana Kushner Gadarian has been named the inaugural Merle Goldberg Fabian Professor of Excellence in Citizenship and Critical Thinking, a position funded with a generous gift by its namesake.
January 31, 2022

Monmonier Named a 2021 American Association of Geographers Fellow

Mark Monmonier, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Geography and the Environment, was named a 2021 Fellow by the American Association of Geographers (AAG). Fellows are chosen for their contributions to geographic research, advancement of practice, and careers devoted to strengthening the field of geography, including teaching and mentoring.
January 18, 2022

See related: Awards & Honors

In Memoriam: Charles Willie G’57, H’92, A Champion for Social Justice

The legacy of alumnus Charles Vert Willie G’57, H’92 will forever be tied to that of his friend Martin Luther King Jr., making Willie’s passing a week before MLK Day 2022 especially poignant. 
January 18, 2022

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