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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Education

Monnat article on teaching to the opioid epidemic published in Medical Teacher

Daniel R. George, Shannon M. Monnat, Rachel Levine, Barbara Blatt & Jed D. Gonzalo
May 31, 2017

Rothbart study on middle school bullying, safety and belonging published in AERJ

Amy Ellen Schwartz, Leanna Stiefel & Michah W. Rothbart
September 30, 2016

See related: Education

Schwartz study on breakfast, obesity and academic performance published in JPAM

Sean P. Corcoran, Brian Elbel & Amy Ellen Schwartz
May 31, 2016

Flores-Lagunes study on degree attainment published in Economics of Education Review

Vikesh Amin, Carlos A. Flores, Alfonso Flores-Lagunes & Daniel J. Parisian
December 31, 2015

See related: Crime & Violence, Education

Bifulco and Lopoo article on school desegregation and teenage fertility published in EEPA

Robert Bifulco, Leonard M. Lopoo & Sun Jung Oh
November 30, 2015

See related: Education

Flores-Lagunes article on open enrollment choice published in RSUE

David Brasington, Alfonso Flores-Lagunes & Ledia Guci
October 29, 2015

See related: Education

Schwartz study on neighbourhood mobility and student outcomes published in Urban Studies

Sarah A Cordes, Amy Ellen Schwartz, Leanna Stiefel & Jeffrey Zabel
January 7, 2015

See related: Education

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