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In the News: Leonard M. Lopoo

Maxwell X Lab innovates policymaking through behavioral science

The launch of Maxwell X Lab as a component of the Center for Policy Research in January 2017 is meant to understand human behavior based in social science and behavioral economics research. The goal here is to help Maxwell Students and faculty run experiments that result in reliable, convincing outcomes.
November 15, 2017

Colleen Heflin examines the intersection of food security, welfare policy and health

"Typically people who qualify for higher SNAP benefits are in the worst health, so this suggests there is something really protective about the SNAP benefits," says Colleen Heflin, professor of public administration and international affairs.

October 5, 2017

Joseph Boskovski ’14 MPA helps governments make effective policy

Alumnus Joseph Boskovski co-founded Maxwell X Lab with Professor Len Lopoo, director of the Center for Policy Research, to help governments and non-profits make better policies by applying scientific standards for testing their proposed interventions. Through randomized controlled trials (RCTs), policymakers can discern the outcome of various "nudges" on actual human behavior rather than assuming how people might respond.
September 16, 2017

WP 206 Pregnancy Medicaid Expansions and Fertility

Lincoln H. Groves, Sarah Hamersma & Leonard M. Lopoo
The authors revisit the 1980s Medicaid expansions for pregnant women to estimate the heterogeneous impacts of public health insurance access on childbirth.
July 31, 2017

Maxwell School honors new graduates at 2017 MPA Convocation

Celebrants of the Maxwell School's 2017 MPA Convocation ceremony reflected on the words of the Keynote Speaker, Howie Phanstiel the former Chairman, President, and CEO of PacifiCare. "When I first started to work in the government, I thought that 'profit' was a dirty word and had no intent or desire to work in the private sector," said Howie. The ceremony closed with remarks from graduating student Jace Beehler, calling on all Maxwell graduates to remain critical yet respectful, and debate wholeheartedly with an open mind.
July 5, 2017

Lopoo wins 2017 Birkhead-Burkhead Award

Leonard M. Lopoo, professor of public administration and international affairs and director of the Maxwell School’s Center for Policy Research, is the 2017 recipient of the Birkhead-Burkhead Teaching Excellence Award and Professorship. The Birkhead-Burkhead Award and Professorship is an annual award that recognizes outstanding teaching in PAIA. 

July 3, 2017

Lopoo article on government spending and economic growth published in Southern Economic Journal

Susan E. Mayer, Leonard M. Lopoo & Lincoln H. Groves
September 30, 2016

Bifulco and Lopoo article on school desegregation and teenage fertility published in EEPA

Robert Bifulco, Leonard M. Lopoo & Sun Jung Oh
November 30, 2015

See related: Education

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