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Castro named McClure Professor of Teaching Excellence

A. Peter Castro, professor of anthropology, has been named a Robert D. McClure Professor of Teaching Excellence. The McClure Professorship is awarded to members of the Maxwell faculty in recognition of their dedication to teaching lower-division, interdisciplinary courses for undergraduates
May 15, 2020

Maxwell faculty and students honored with 2020 One University awards

Syracuse University announced its 2020 One University Awards, honoring members of the University community for their scholarship, teaching, academic achievement, leadership and service. The following Maxwell faculty member and students were among the honorees:
May 14, 2020

See related: Awards & Honors

Jok discusses South Sudan's latest peace deal with Al Jazeera

"This government will be a mere postponement of conflict if it gives a blind eye to the corruption and grand theft that has created a ghastly and deadly form of inequality in South Sudan since 2005," writes Jok Madut Jok, professor of anthropology.

February 25, 2020

Jok op-ed on Sudan's former dictator published in Daily Nation

"Many Sudanese people from the areas that were terrorised by his security forces have said that trying him in Sudan would be a slap in the face of all these victims and their communities, for they cannot be confident that there won’t be Sudanese judges who might rig the process in his favour," writes Professor of Anthropology Jok Madut Jok.

February 17, 2020

Hromadžić wins Title VIII grant for research in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Azra Hromadžić, an associate professor of anthropology and O’Hanley Faculty Scholar, has been awarded $8,000 through a Title VIII Scholars appointment by the American Councils for International Education. The award will go towards Hromadžić's research into riverine citizenship, political imagination, and the struggle for water in postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina.

January 30, 2020

See related: Europe, Grant Awards

African Outlook

Jok Madut Jok, professor of anthropology, "brings regional expertise on a part of the world that is critically important from a security standpoint,” says John McPeak, a professor of public administration and international affairs. “He also adds a new perspective on issues of humanitarian relief, post-conflict reconstruction, immigration and refugee flows, and negotiations."

January 10, 2020

Jok discusses the link between violence and corruption in the Citizen

"One thing that has not been clearly delineated about violence in South Sudan is the role of corruption as a most insidious driver of the ghastly inequities that have now come to characterize the young state as one of the most unequal societies in Africa," writes Jok Madut Jok, professor of anthropology.

December 18, 2019

Armstrong and collaborators author paper, win grant for excavation

Douglas Armstrong, professor and chair of anthropology, co-authored “Where Strangers Met: Evidence for Early Commerce at LaSoye Point, Dominica,” published last month in the journal Antiquity. The article is based on preliminary research conducted during 2018 at the LaSoye Point archaeological site on the east coast of Dominica, funded by a Northwestern University Research Grant.
November 25, 2019

Armstrong, Singleton cited in Science article on Caribbean excavation

Doug Armstrong and Theresa Singleton, both professors of anthropology, were interviewed for the Science article "Caribbean excavation offers intimate look at the lives of enslaved Africans." They shared insight from their own research on plantation slavery in the Caribbean. Maxwell alum Mark Hauser '98 MA (Anth)/'01 PhD (Anth) was also mentioned in the article.
November 8, 2019

Burdick discusses rise of Pentecostalism in Amazonia in the National Catholic Register

Pentecostals deeply value the changes their new faith facilitated in their personal life, says John Burdick, professor of anthropology. They are primarily focused on personal salvation and disinclined to embrace political movements advocating radical change.

October 28, 2019

Maxwell announces new faculty members, department chair

The academic year begins at the Maxwell School with the arrival of several new faculty members. In addition, Tom Perreault, professor of geography, is the new chair of the Department of Geography.
September 12, 2019

Bhan discusses the conflict in Kashmir with Al Jazeera, BBC News

Mona Bhan, associate professor of anthropology and Ford-Maxwell Professor of South Asian Studies, says that the resistance to India's revocation of Articles 370 and 35A "depends of course on this massive military influx of the Indian forces into Kashmir territory and how that's going to pen out, how people are going to be able to navigate this new terrain of intense militarization."

August 12, 2019

Slow Archaeology

Theoretical Archaeology Group, an annual conference, held its event at Syracuse University, drawing double the expected attendance and an array of artists who responded to the conference's call for artwork. The theme of this year's TAG was "Slow Archaeology," which highlights the importance of long-term commitments to projects, relationships with descendants and other stakeholders, and collaboration.

August 6, 2019

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Anthropology Department
209 Maxwell Hall