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Public Affairs and the Multifront Attack on Climate Change

In its breadth and interdisciplinary richness, the Maxwell School proves to be a fertile setting for research on one of today’s most complex and pressing issues. Researchers are working all the angles — policy, economics, societal adaptation, governance, citizenship, and more — in their contributions to saving this planet.
June 25, 2019

Inaugural online EMPA grads celebrate at Convocation

“One fear of launching the program online was that students may not feel the same deep connection to their peers and faculty and the Maxwell community, so we were pleasantly surprised by the turnout for graduation on campus and will be working on planning a reunion soon,” said Nell Bartkowiak, director of the E.M.P.A. program. 

May 21, 2019

See related: Student Experience

Deborah Pellow to receive Wasserstrom Prize for Graduate Teaching

Deborah Pellow, professor of anthropology, who is a multidisciplinary scholar that specializes in urban studies, the anthropology of space and place, and feminism, with emphasis on West Africa, was conferred this year's prize. The prize memorializes William Wasserstrom, a noted English professor at Syracuse.

May 10, 2019

See related: Awards & Honors

2019 Moynihan junior faculty award to be given to Pezzarossi

Guido Pezzarossi received the 2019 Daniel Patrick Moynihan Award for Teaching and Research, recognizing outstanding non-tenured faculty members at the Maxwell School.
May 8, 2019

See related: Awards & Honors

Art exhibit curated by Susan Wadley featured in Syracuse New Times

The exhibit titled "From Gods to Social Justice," was curated by Susan S. Wadley, Ford-Maxwell Professor of South Asian Studies. Wadley is retiring at the end of May and this is one of her final contributions to Maxwell's community engagement.

May 2, 2019

Anthropology Professor Hans Buechler marks 50 years of service

Hans Buechler, professor of anthropology was honored at the One University Awards ceremony, held on April 12.

April 24, 2019

See related: Awards & Honors

Ray Smith Symposium connects SU community through Indian storytelling

“The Ray Smith Symposium moves to connect the University with the broader campus community by involving a cross-section of Syracuse faculty,” says Susan S. Wadley, Ford-Maxwell Professor of South Asian Studies, and a veteran anthropologist. “It’s the public humanities at its best.”

April 8, 2019

See related: India

Singleton quoted in Atlantic article on archaeological study of DNA

Theresa Singleton, professor of anthropology, says the discovery of a woman's DNA in Belvoir matching with people living in Sierra Leone today holds "great promise" for future research—but the cost of DNA analysis may put it out of reach for some archaeologists.

March 19, 2019

Resisting Occupation in Kashmir

Mona Bhan
December 31, 2018

See related: India

Anthropology student participates in community-based research

Grace E. Gugerty ’19 wasn’t too nervous when she first met the refugee family who she would be learning about over the span of the spring semester. She and an Upstate Medical University medical student were teamed up in the course Refugee Health Advocacy to learn about certain aspects of the family’s life and work with them to find solutions to potential issues surrounding health and well-being.
September 17, 2018

Hromadžić discusses Citizens of an Empty Nation on New Books Network

Azra Hromadžić, associate professor of anthropology, spoke with New Books Network about her book Citizens of an Empty Nation: Youth and State-Making in Postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015). Through ethnographic details about the possibilities for and limitations of inter-ethnic socializing within Bosnia-Herzegovina’s first integrated high school, Hromadžić draws much broader insights about the complicated relationship between internationally-sponsored reunification initiatives and the ethnic segregation that is built into the very framework of the post-war state. 09/13/18
September 13, 2018

See related: Europe

Rubinstein publishes paper on community violence in Syracuse

Robert A. Rubinstein, Sandra D. Lane, Lookman Mojeed, Shaundel Sanchez, Elise Catania, Timothy Jennings-Bey, Arnett Haygood-El & Edward Mitchell Jr.
September 11, 2018

See related: Crime & Violence

DeCorse discusses Portugal's involvement in slavery in BBC article

"The idea that the Portuguese have never been in Africa is completely false," says Christopher DeCorse, professor of anthropology. "In fact, it was the Portuguese who opened Africa to the Atlantic world." 

August 10, 2018

Hromadžić discusses Dayton agreement, Bosnia in Current History

Azra Hromadžić, associate professor of anthropology, explores the effects of the Dayton Peace Agreement on the citizens of Bosnia-Herzegovina in her article "Disillusioned with Dayton in Bosnia-Herzegovina" published in Current History. "[T]hrough the complicated, long-term effects of converging postwar and postsocialist forces, the Bosnian state continues to be emptied of its citizens," says Hromadžić. 03/05/18
March 5, 2018

Madam Secretary

Visiting campus in April, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright shared insights from her storied career with students and the University community.

February 10, 2018

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Anthropology Department
209 Maxwell Hall