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School Desegregation and Teenage Fertility

Robert Bifulco, Leonard M. Lopoo & Sun Jung Oh
November 30, 2015

See related: Education

The Oxford Handbook of Panel Data

Badi H. Baltagi
November 5, 2015

Going Beyond LATE: Bounding Average Treatment Effects of Job Corps Training.

Xuan Chen, Carlos A. Flores & Alfonso Flores-Lagunes
October 31, 2015

Herd management and social variables associated with bulk tank somatic cell counts in dairy herds in the Eastern United States

Rebecca L. Schewe, J. Kayitsinga, G.A. Contreras, C. Odom, W.A. Coats, P. Durst, E.P. Hovingh, R.O. Martinez, R. Mobley, S. Moore & R.J. Erskine
October 31, 2015

See related: Agriculture

A spatial model of school district open enrollment choice

David Brasington, Alfonso Flores-Lagunes & Ledia Guci
October 29, 2015

See related: Education

An Evaluation of China’s New Rural Cooperative Medical System: Achievements and Inadequacies from Policy Goals

Chengyue Li, Yilin Hou, Mei Sun, Jun Lu, Ying Wang, Xiaohong Li, Fengshui Chang & Mo Hao
October 22, 2015

Model Selection in the Presence of Incidental Parameters

Yoonseok Lee & Peter C.B. Phillips
September 30, 2015

Amenity Migration in the New Global Economy: Current Issues and Research Priorities

Kristi S. Lekies, David Matarrita-Cascante, Rebecca Schewe & Richelle Winkler
August 24, 2015

See related: Civil Rights, Migration

Information Shocks and the Takeup of Social Programs

David N. Figlio, Sarah Hamersma & Jeffrey Roth
July 16, 2015

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Food Insufficiency: Evidence from a Statewide Probability Sample

Yunju Nam, Jin Huang, Colleen Heflin & Michael Sherraden
June 30, 2015

See related: Food Security

Why Do African Banks Lend So Little?

Svetlana Andrianova, Badi H. Baltagi, Panicos Demetriades & David Fielding
May 31, 2015

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