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Margarita Abe Estevez

Margarita Estévez-Abe

Associate Professor, Political Science Department

O’Hanley Faculty Scholar

Senior Research Associate and Advisory Committee Member, East Asia Program

Faculty Affiliate, Aging Studies Institute

Ph.D., Government Department, Harvard University, 1999

Areas of Expertise

Political economy, Japan, gender
Gareth Fisher

Gareth Fisher

Associate Professor by Courtesy Appointment, Anthropology Department

Senior Research Associate and Advisory Committee Member, East Asia Program

Research Affiliate, South Asia Center

Associate Professor, Religion, College of Arts & Sciences

Ph.D. University of Virginia, 2006

Areas of Expertise

Buddhism, religion in contemporary China, religion and cultural change, globalization, post-socialism
Dimitar Gueorguiev

Dimitar Gueorguiev

Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Political Science Department

Senior Research Associate and Advisory Committee Member, East Asia Program

Ph.D., University of California, San Diego, 2014

Areas of Expertise

Comparative political economy, authoritarian institutions, governance, survey methods
Eunjung Kim

Eunjung Kim

Senior Research Associate and Advisory Committee Member, East Asia Program

Associate Professor Women's and Gender Studies, College of Arts and Sciences

Norman Kutcher
(Pronouns: He, Him)

Norman Kutcher

Professor, History Department

Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence

Senior Research Associate and Advisory Committee Member, East Asia Program

Ph.D., Yale University, 1991

Areas of Expertise

Cultural, social, and political history of late imperial China
Yingyi Ma

Yingyi Ma

Professor and Graduate Director, Sociology Department

Director, Asian/Asian American Studies

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Senior Research Associate and Advisory Committee Member, East Asia Program

Nonresident Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Program at Brookings

Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 2007

Areas of Expertise

Education, migration, Asian/Asian American studies
Oh, David

David Oh

Senior Research Associate and Advisory Committee Member, East Asia Program

Associate Professor, Newhouse School of Public Communications

Areas of Expertise

Asian American representations in popular and digital culture; Asian American identities and media; othering in Korean media culture; and transnational and diasporic reception of Korea popular culture
East Asia Program
346 Eggers Hall