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Set-Theoretic Methods for the Social Sciences

Carsten Q. Schneider, Central European University, Budapest, Claudius Wagemann, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
November 30, 2012

See related: Research Methods

Natural Experiments in the Social Sciences

Thad Dunning, Yale University, Connecticut
November 30, 2012

See related: Research Methods

Democratization and Research Methods

Michael Coppedge, University of Notre Dame, Indiana
July 30, 2012

See related: Research Methods

Maxwell Perspective: Syracuse, Maxwell and the City

The collaboration between Maxwell and its hometown goes both ways.

July 7, 2012

Social Science Methodology

John Gerring, Boston University
February 12, 2012

See related: Research Methods

Schwartz paper on whether small high school reform lifts urban districts published in Edu Researcher

Leanna Stiefel, Matthew Wiswall, Amy Ellen Schwartz & Elizabeth Debraggio
February 1, 2012

See related: Education

Human Rights and Legal Pluralism

Yüksel Sezgin
December 31, 2011

See related: Human Rights

The Sources of Democratic Responsiveness in Mexico

Matthew R. Cleary
December 31, 2010

Ordinary Violence in Mussolini’s Italy

Michael R. Ebner
December 31, 2010

New Friends

When the Near East Foundation searched for a collegiate home, they found eager partners in Syracuse University — and, especially, in Maxwell and the Middle Eastern Studies Program.

September 1, 2010

Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding

Bruce Dayton, Louis Kriesberg, editors
December 31, 2009

Understanding Korea

The Donald P. and Margaret Gregg Professorship and the new Korean Peninsula Affairs Center will make Maxwell a locus for study of this complicated little corner of the world.

September 1, 2009

See related: International Affairs

Combating Terrorism

Renée de Nevers and William C. Banks
December 31, 2008

Essays on North Indian Folk Traditions

Susan Snow Wadley
December 31, 2005

See related: South Asia

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Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs
346 Eggers Hall