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Studying the impact of state and non-state actors on global challenges

Multidisciplinary Research Projects and Programs

Indigenous Australian applies paint to face of United States marine
Data analysis

The Center for Qualitative and Multi-Method Inquiry (CQMI)

With a focus on research methods and data, CQMI's goals include enhancing faculty and student awareness of, and facilitating their access to, methodological expertise on campus.

CQMI hosts a remote lab to enhance faculty and student access to CAQDAS and provides access to research methods syllabi to help students with their course selection. Visit CQMI's Answers page for more information about the remote lab and the syllabi.

Carnegie-Maxwell Policy Planning Lab

It is in this spirit of Carnegie's Bridging the Gap project, that the Policy Planning Lab at the Maxwell School brings together emerging national security leaders, subject matter experts and seasoned policy professionals to bridge the gap between scholarship and policy when it comes to thinking about current international challenges and the trajectory such challenges may take over the next five to ten years.

blue and yellow flag with stars
Mapping global insecurity

Mapping Global Insecurity

Dominated by alternative authority structures—criminals, warlords, terrorist organizations—Black Spots are capable of breeding and exporting insecurity to faraway locations, constituting a considerable security challenge as they are largely invisible to the outside world.

This research initiative seeks to develop an early warning system for alerting governments and international organizations of possible dangers, and to provide guidance on how Black Spots may be managed to minimize the harm they cause.

Sovereignty, Order and Conflict

Although the primary actors in world politics, sovereign states do not always possess sovereign reach across their territories. Zones of conflict, informal control and uncertain rule exist both within states and across borders. Terrorist networks, rebel insurgencies and crime syndicates are all examples of forms of order that begin where sovereign control ends.

This project hosts a multidisciplinary seminar series where a working group of faculty and doctoral students from across Syracuse University will meet to explore the latest research on these themes that cut across the social sciences, taking a multi-method approach to addressing these challenges.

Mural West Bank by Jensimon7 License CC BY 2.0
Study of Global Politics Speaker Series artwork

Study of Global Politics Speaker Series

A series dedicated to bringing prominent scholars studying global politics to the Maxwell School, speakers present and discuss state-of-the-art research on critical political issues facing the world in an engaged, interdisciplinary academic setting.

While visiting Syracuse, speakers meet with Maxwell faculty and students for informal conversations, facilitating the exchange of ideas and promoting professional connections. 

Series Directors

Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs
346 Eggers Hall