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White COVID-19 Deaths Increased More in Red States Than in Blue States in 2021

Rogelio Saenz, Marc A. Garcia

While the early months of the pandemic were marked by higher mortality rates among Whites in blue (Democratic governor) states, red states (Republican governor) experienced larger increases in 2021.

April 26, 2022

Mental Health After Injury: How Neighborhoods Impact Recovery

Bryce Hruska, Maria L. Pacella-LaBarbara, Ivan E. Castro, Richard L. George, Douglas L. Delahanty

This brief examines several aspects of neighborhood context and their relationship to PTSD symptom severity following an injury.

April 12, 2022

Safe Consumption Sites are Critical to Reducing Drug Overdoses

Alexandra Punch

This issue brief advocates for the implementation of safe consumption sites across the U.S. and calls for the revocation of the Crack House Statute to reduce the risks related to drug use and drug use mortality.

April 5, 2022

Unhealthy Workplace Conditions Contribute to Physician Suicide

Mariah Brennan Nanni , Alexandra Punch
Describes the unhealthy workplace conditions that contribute to poor mental health among physicians and calls for policies that encourage physicians to seek help and rest without the fear of punishment.
March 29, 2022

Medical Visits Related to Firearm Injuries Increased During COVID-19

Rachel Chernet , Margaret K. Formica

When COVID-19 began its initial wave in the United States in March 2020, gun sales surged across the country.

March 22, 2022

Rural Adults Report Worse COVID-19 Impacts than Urban Adults

Shannon M. Monnat

Across most outcomes, rural residents fared worse than their urban peers

March 15, 2022

COVID-19 Deaths Soared among U.S. Whites in 2021

Rogelio Saenz, Marc A. Garcia, Claire Pendergrast

While people of color have borne the brunt of lives lost throughout the pandemic, the growth in White deaths from COVID-19 outpaced deaths among other racial/ethnic groups in 2021. 

March 8, 2022

Most Home-Delivered Meal Recipients with Dementia Receive Support from Friends and Family

Claire Pendergrast

This research brief shows that home-delivered meal recipients with dementia receive significant support from friends and family, but 83% would like more social activity. 

March 2, 2022

Aging and Disability Services are Unequally Distributed Across the United States

Claire Pendergrast, Danielle Rhubart

As the U.S. population ages, demand for aging and disability services will increase, but 15% of U.S. counties have no aging and disability services organizations.

February 22, 2022

Rural Working-Age Adults Report Worse Health than their Urban Peers

Shannon M. Monnat , Danielle Rhubart

Higher shares of poor/fair self-rated health among residents of rural and small urban counties than in large urban counties.

February 8, 2022

Fitness & Active Transportation Orgs Support Community Recovery & Physical Activity post Disasters

Claire Pendergrast, Scott Miles, Youngjun Choe, Nicole Errett

Fitness, parks, and active transportation organizations’ trusted relationships, large organizational networks, and health promotion expertise enables them to support disaster recovery efforts and community health after disasters.

January 25, 2022

Latinos Report Higher Rates of Cognitive Impairment than whites, Rates Vary in Latino Subgroups

Claire Pendergrast, Marc A. Garcia, Catherine Garcia

Among older adults, U.S. Latinos have higher rates of cognitive impairment than U.S.-born whites.

January 18, 2022

What Do Epidemic History, Sexual Minority Men’s Experiences of HIV & COVID Teach About Pandemic Prep

Amy Braksmajer, Andrew S. London

For sexual minority individuals who have experienced trauma and loss stemming from the HIV epidemic, there are many similarities to COVID.

January 11, 2022

Reported Reasons for Avoiding the COVID-19 Vaccine Vary by Age

Kelsey Wilber
This brief examines age differences in reasons reported for not getting the vaccine.
December 14, 2021

Billions in COVID-19 Rental Assistance Fails to Reach Tenants

Clay Fannin

This brief describes geographic differences in ERA spending across the U.S. and encourages states and localities to adopt policies that increase program eligibility and streamline fund disbursement.

December 7, 2021

COVID-19 Has Had Devastating Economic Impacts on Older Black and Latinx Adults

Claire Pendergrast, Amy Thierry, Marc A. Garcia

This research brief shows that in the first year of the pandemic, older Black and Latinx adults experienced greater negative economic impacts than older white adults.

December 2, 2021

Consistent SNAP Participation Increases Preventative Health Care Visits for Infants

Colleen Heflin, Irma Arteaga, Julia Stafford

This brief summarizes findings from research examining the connection between SNAP participation and preventative care in an infant’s first year of life in Missouri.

November 30, 2021

The U.S. Should Expand Access to Dental Care for Older Adults

Madonna Harrington Meyer, Sarah Reilly, Julia M. Finan

Older adults with lower socioeconomic status tend to have worse oral health, less dental insurance coverage, greater difficulties finding a dentist, and low-quality care.

November 23, 2021

Older Adults are More Likely to Avoid COVID-19 Information

Julia Nolte , Corinna E. Löckenhoff

This brief shows that in the first months of the pandemic, older adults were less likely to consume COVID-19 information or media than younger adults. 

November 16, 2021

Rural Counties Lost More Years of Life than Urban Counties in 2020

Yue Sun

Now, higher COVID-19 mortality rates in rural areas threaten to exacerbate the existing rural mortality penalty.

November 9, 2021

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Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health