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Potential Impact of COVID on Individuals with Disability: Call for Accurate Cause of Death Reporting

Dalton Stevens, Scott D. Landes

Why might the COVID19 case fatality rate be higher among people with intellectual and development disabilities?

April 14, 2020

Geographic Disparities in COVID-19 Testing: An Urgent Call to Action

Shannon M. Monnat , Kent Jason G Cheng

This research brief shows that testing rates are lower in states with the unhealthiest populations and worst health care access. Disparities in testing rates are troubling because delays in testing increase the risk of a surge in silent spread and severe COVID-19 cases in these states.

April 9, 2020

The Gig is Up: Supporting Non-Standard Workers Now and After Coronavirus

Tyra Jean

This issue brief discusses the specific COVID-19 related challenges of three gig work populations: rideshare and delivery drivers; hair stylists, barbers, and aestheticians; and sex workers.

April 8, 2020

Tips for Communicating with Older Adults about COVID-19

Claire Pendergrast

This brief describes strategies on how to effectively communicate with this population while keeping their comfort and safety in mind.

April 6, 2020

COVID-19 Testing Rates are Lower in States with More Black and Poor Residents

Shannon M. Monnat , Kent Jason G Cheng

This data slice shows that testing rates to date have been lower in states with higher percent black populations and higher poverty rates. Without proper testing and physical distancing protocols, these states risk a surge in severe COVID-19 cases, overwhelming their already resource strapped healthcare systems.

April 1, 2020

Promoting Diversity on Campuses Means Supporting Persons in Recovery from Substance Use Disorders

Austin McNeill Brown

College students who struggle with substance use disorders often experience decreased motivation, poorer academic performance, social isolation, and lower retention rates. This issue brief examines how Collegiate Recovery Programs help students in recovery from substance use disorders remain sober and excel academically.

March 31, 2020

COVID-19 is a Major Risk to New York State’s Older Veterans

Mariah Brennan Nanni , Mary E. Helander

The older adult veteran population is at high risk of contracting COVID-19. New York State’s veterans are concentrated in geographic areas with rapidly increasing COVID-19 case counts. As the virus continues to spread, the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) must prepare to provide coronavirus treatments to older adult veterans in NYS.

March 26, 2020

NYS’s Older Adults in Assisted Living Facilities Need All of Us to Help Them Avoid the Coronavirus

Mary E. Helander , Claire Pendergrast

This data slice aims to advocate for the health and safety of older adults and features an interactive map showing the saturation of assisted living facilities in New York State.


March 25, 2020

COVID Cases Clustered in Large Urban Hubs, Rural Areas Surrounding Hubs Also Increasingly Affected

Yue Sun

As COVID-19 continues to evolve, we are seeing more cases in urban areas, however, this data slice shows where trends are heading next.

March 25, 2020

Why Coronavirus Could Hit Rural Areas Harder

Shannon M. Monnat

As rates of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection and death continue to rise, it is important to consider how rural areas may be differentially affected. Rural economies may also be affected in different ways than their urban counterparts, which has implications for long-term rural population health outcomes.

March 24, 2020

Staying Safe and Healthy During Coronavirus Response: A Guide for Older Adults

Claire Pendergrast, Mary E. Helander

This issue brief thoroughly addresses how older adults can best protect their physical and mental health against the evolving circumstances surrounding COVID-19.

March 23, 2020

Unhealthier States have Lower COVID-19 Testing Rates

Kent Jason G Cheng

This data slice dissects the various rates of state testing for COVID-19 across the country, and explains implications of the low test rates in the unhealthier states.

March 23, 2020

Mobilization of the Substance Use Disorder Recovery Community in the time of Coronavirus

Austin McNeill Brown

This issue brief explains the recovery community's resilient response to the social distancing mandates from COVID-19 and notes recommendations for policymakers. This brief also includes a broad list of recovery resources.

March 20, 2020

As Schools Close due to the Coronavirus, Mental Health Care for Children Must be Protected

Xiaoyan Zhang

This data slice highlights the expansive nation-wide school closings due to COVID-19 and encourages providers and government bodies to support the mental health needs of students across the country.

March 19, 2020

COVID-19: Playing the Long Game for your Mental Health

Mary Katherine A. Lee

This issue brief provides a new lens to view the pandemic of COVID-19 and offers simple, practical, and action-oriented ways to mange your mental health for the long term during this time of uncertainty.

March 19, 2020

Spatial Distribution of NYS Older Population: Let’s Keep NY Older Adults Healthy during COVID

Mary E. Helander

This brief addresses the concern for older adults' health during the COVID-19 outbreak, highlights the distribution of this population throughout New York State, and recommends ways to keep them safe during this time.

March 19, 2020

The Gender Gap in Alcohol Deaths is Much Larger in Some States than Others

Erin Bisesti

This brief describes which states have the highest rates of alcohol-related death among men and women.

March 17, 2020

SNAP Participation is Associated with Reduced Risk of Premature Mortality among U.S. Adults

Colleen Heflin, Samuel Ingram, James Ziliak

This research brief examines the effect of SNAP participation on the probability of premature mortality and finds that risk of premature mortality is lower among adult who receive SNAP.

March 3, 2020

“He’s Not Marrying my Daughter”: Stigma against People in Recovery from Substance Use Disorder

Austin McNeill Brown

This research brief examines how the language we use to describe people with substance use disorders impact how they are perceived and how willing we are to accept them into our social and professional circles.

February 18, 2020

Prenatal Care for Undocumented Immigrants: Implications for Policy, Practice, and Ethics

Rachel Fabi

This research brief describes restrictive policies related to prenatal care for undocumented immigrants and discusses how these policies affect health care providers and the care they are able to offer pregnant immigrant women.

January 21, 2020

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Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health