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Going beyond LATE: Bounding Average Treatment Effects of Job Corps Training

Xuan Chen, Carlos A. Flores & Alfonso Flores-Lagunes
January 25, 2018

Measuring the Role of the 1959 Revolution on Cuba's Economic Performance

Hugo Jales, Thomas H. Kang, Guilherme Stein & Felipe Garcia Ribeiro
January 17, 2018

Robust linear static panel data models using ε-contamination

Badi H.Baltagi, Georges Bresson, Anoop Chaturvedi & Guy Lacroix
December 31, 2017

Let Them Eat Lunch: The Impact of Universal Free Meals on Student Performance

Amy Ellen Schwartz & Michah Rothbart
This paper investigates the impact of extending free school lunch to all students on academic performance in New York City middle schools.
November 30, 2017

Mismatch and academic performance at America’s selective colleges and universities

Amy Lutz, Pamela R. Bennett & Rebecca Wang
November 17, 2017

See related: Education

Mismatch and Academic Performance at America’s Selective Colleges and Universities

Amy Lutz, Pamela R. Bennett & Rebecca Wang
November 12, 2017

See related: Education

Grandparenting in the United States

Madonna Harrington Meyer & Amra Kandic
November 2, 2017

Who Feels Included in School? Examining Feelings of Inclusion Among Students With Disabilities

Leanna Stiefel, Menbere Shiferaw, Amy Ellen Schwartz & Michael Gottfried
November 2, 2017

Should We Give Up after Solyndra? Optimal Technology R&D Portfolios under Uncertainty

Mort Webster, Karen Fisher-Vanden, David Popp & Nidhi Santen
October 2, 2017

See related: Climate Change

Economic Costs of Obesity

Thomas H. Dennison
September 25, 2017

See related: Health Policy

More than a rural revolt: Landscapes of despair and the 2016 Presidential election

Shannon M. Monnat & David L. Brown
September 21, 2017

See related: U.S. Elections

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Center for Policy Research
426 Eggers Hall