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Badi H. Baltagi

Badi H. Baltagi

Distinguished Professor, Economics Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1979

Areas of Expertise

Econometrics, health econometrics, wage curve, gravity models
Robert Bifulco

Robert Bifulco

Professor, Public Administration and International Affairs Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Ph.D., Syracuse University, 2001

Areas of Expertise

Education finance and policy, program evaluation
Monica Deza
(Pronouns: She, Her)

Monica Deza

Associate Professor, Economics Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Research Affiliate, Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health

Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2012

Areas of Expertise

Economics of Crime, Labor Economics, Economic Demography, Economics of Risky health behaviors
Sean J. Drake

Sean J. Drake

Assistant Professor, Sociology Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Ph.D., University of California, Irvine, 2017

Areas of Expertise

Race and ethnicity, schools and education, neighborhood organization and inequality, refugee youth, immigrant incorporation, poverty and homelessness, ethnographic methods
Amy Fairchild headshot
(Pronouns: She, Her)

Amy Fairchild

University Professor, Sociology Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Research Affiliate, Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health

Ph.D., Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Subcommittee on Sociomedical Sciences, Columbia University, 1997

Areas of Expertise

History, ethics and policy
Alfonso Flores-Lagunes

Alfonso Flores-Lagunes

Professor, Economics Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Research Affiliate, Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health

Research Affiliate, Center for Aging and Policy Studies

Melvin A. Eggers Economics Faculty Scholar

Faculty Affiliate, Aging Studies Institute

Ph.D., Ohio State University, 2001

Areas of Expertise

Labor economics; applied and theoretical econometrics; bi-directional effects of education and health; mental health; obesity; polygenic risk scores; food insecurity; public programs and health
Iliya Gutin headshot

Iliya Gutin

Research Assistant Professor and Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Research Assistant Professor, Center for Aging and Policy Studies

Research Affiliate, Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health

Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2021

Areas of Expertise

Demography, medical sociology, social determinants of health and health Disparities, health measurement and modelling

Sarah Hamersma headshot

Sarah Hamersma

Associate Professor and Director of Doctoral Studies, Public Administration and International Affairs Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Research Affiliate, Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health

Research Affiliate, Center for Aging and Policy Studies

Faculty Affiliate, Aging Studies Institute

Ph.D., University of Wisconsin - Madison, 2004

Areas of Expertise

Public economics, labor economics, applied econometrics
Madonna Harrington Meyer headshot

Madonna Harrington Meyer

University Professor, Sociology Department

Meredith Professor of Teaching Excellence

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Research Affiliate, Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health

Faculty Affiliate, Aging Studies Institute

Research Affiliate, Center for Aging and Policy Studies

Ph.D., Florida State University, 1991

Areas of Expertise

Social policy, aging and the life course, family policies
Colleen Heflin
(Pronouns: She, Her)

Areas of Expertise

Social policy, poverty policy, child and family policy
Yilin Hou headshot
(Pronouns: He, Him)

Yilin Hou

Professor, Public Administration and International Affairs Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Senior Research Associate, Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs

Tenth Decade Faculty Scholar

Ph.D., Maxwell School, Syracuse University, 2002

Areas of Expertise

Countercyclical fiscal policy for state and local budget stabilization, fiscal and budgetary institutions
Hugo Jales

Hugo Jales

Associate Professor, Economics Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Ph.D., Vancouver School of Economics, University of British Columbia, 2015

Areas of Expertise

Labor economics, econometrics
Gabriela Kirk
(Pronouns: She, Her)

Gabriela Kirk-Werner

Assistant Professor, Sociology Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Ph.D., Northwestern University, 2022
Jeffrey D. Kubik

Jeffrey D. Kubik

Professor, Economics Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997

Areas of Expertise

Finance, Public finance, Labor Economics
Yoonseok Lee

Yoonseok Lee

Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Economics Department

Melvin A. Eggers Economics Faculty Scholar

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Ph.D., Yale University, 2006

Areas of Expertise

Econometric theory, applied econometrics
Leonard Lopoo headshot

Leonard M. Lopoo

Associate Dean, Chair and Professor, Public Administration and International Affairs Department

Paul Volcker Chair in Behavioral Economics

Director, Maxwell X Lab

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Research Affiliate, Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health

Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2001

Areas of Expertise

Child and family policy, behavioral economics, economic demography
Amy Lutz

Amy Lutz

Associate Professor, Sociology Department

Chair, Social Science Ph.D. Program

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Ph.D., State University of New York at Albany, 2002

Areas of Expertise

Race and ethnicity, immigration, bilingualism, educational inequality
Yingyi Ma

Yingyi Ma

Professor and Graduate Director, Sociology Department

Director, Asian/Asian American Studies

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Senior Research Associate and Advisory Committee Member, East Asia Program

Nonresident Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Program at Brookings

Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 2007

Areas of Expertise

Education, migration, Asian/Asian American studies
Elizabeth Martin

Elizabeth Martin

Assistant Professor, Sociology Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Senior Research Associate, Campbell Public Affairs Institute

Ph.D., The Ohio State University, 2022
Laura-Anne Minkoff-Zern

Laura-Anne Minkoff-Zern

Associate Professor, Geography and the Environment Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Research Affiliate, Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health

Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2012

Areas of Expertise

Food systems, immigration and racial justice, agrarian political ecology, labor movements, environmental and agricultural policy
Shannon Monnat

Shannon Monnat

Professor, Sociology Department

Lerner Chair in Public Health Promotion and Population Health

Director and Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Co-Director, Policy, Place, and Population Health Lab

Faculty Affiliate, Aging Studies Institute

Research Affiliate, Center for Aging and Policy Studies

Ph.D., State University of New York at Albany, 2008

Areas of Expertise

Rural demography, social and structural determinants of health and health disparities, spatial differences in morbidity and mortality
Tomas Olivier headshot
(Pronouns: He, Him)

Tomás Olivier

Assistant Professor, Public Administration and International Affairs Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Design and Governance

Ph.D., School of Government and Public Policy, University of Arizona, 2017

Areas of Expertise

Water policy, environmental policy, policy design, policy process
Jan Ondrich

Jan Ondrich

Professor, Economics Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Ph.D., University of Wisconsin - Madison, 1983

Areas of Expertise

Econometrics, labor economics, urban economics
David Popp

David Popp

Professor, Public Administration and International Affairs Department

Caroline Rapking Faculty Scholar in Public Administration and Policy

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Senior Research Associate, Center for Environmental Policy and Administration

Ph.D., Department of Economics, Yale University, 1997

Areas of Expertise

Environmental economics, economics of technological change
Michah Rothbart

Michah W. Rothbart

Associate Professor, Public Administration and International Affairs Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Ph.D., New York University, 2016

Areas of Expertise

Nonprofit and public financial management, public budgeting, education policy
Alexander Rothenberg

Alexander Rothenberg

Associate Professor, Economics Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2012

Areas of Expertise

Urban economics, development economics, applied econometrics
Rebecca Schewe

Rebecca Schewe

Associate Professor, Sociology Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Senior Research Associate, Center for Environmental Policy and Administration

Senior Research Associate, Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration

Senior Research Associate, Autonomous Systems Policy Institute

Ph.D., University of Wisconsin - Madison, 2011

Areas of Expertise

Environmental and natural resource sociology
Ying Shi headshot

Ying Shi

Assistant Professor, Public Administration and International Affairs Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Ph.D., Duke University, 2017

Areas of Expertise

Economics of education, labor economics, political economy
Saba Siddiki

Saba Siddiki

Professor and Director of the M.P.A. Program, Public Administration and International Affairs Department

Chapple Family Professor of Citizenship and Democracy

Director, Center for Policy Design and Governance

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Ph.D., University of Colorado, Denver, 2011

Areas of Expertise

Policy design, implementation, and compliance; collaborative policymaking; institutional analysis; sustainability technology and behavior; environmental policy; food policy
Perry Singleton

Perry Singleton

Associate Professor, Economics Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Ph.D., University of Maryland, 2007

Areas of Expertise

Public finance, health economics
Michiko Ueda

Michiko Ueda-Ballmer

Associate Professor, Public Administration and International Affairs Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Research Affiliate, Center for Policy Design and Governance

Faculty Affiliate, Aging Studies Institute

Research Affiliate, East Asia Program

Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006

Areas of Expertise

Social determinants of health, suicide prevention, mental health policy, public health, computational social science
Yulong Wang

Yulong Wang (on leave AY24-25)

Associate Professor, Economics Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Ph.D., Princeton University, 2017

Areas of Expertise

Econometrics, applied econometrics
Rick Welsh headshot

Rick Welsh

Professor, Sociology Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Ph.D., Cornell University, 1995
Maria Zhu

Maria Zhu

Assistant Professor, Economics Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Ph.D., Duke University, 2019

Areas of Expertise

Labor economics, economics of education
Center for Policy Research
426 Eggers Hall