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Professor Pete Wilcoxen

Our research focuses on the different effects of privacy, security and integrity measures on the operation of the grid and energy markets, including impacts on the stability of the gird, the privacy of participants and the trustworthiness of the market—that is, can participants be confident that payments are fair and that prices are not overly volatile?”

Peter Wilcoxen

Professor, Public Administration & International Affairs; Director, Center for Environmental Policy & Administration

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What are the risks?

Market manipulation, security breach, damage to the cyberinfrastructure and the electric grid--these are a few examples of the potential risks.

This project examines the trade-off between the economic benefits provided by highly decentralized electricity markets and the security and privacy risks they could create. The team will employ mixed methods to conduct the market assessment, including interviews, market structure and data flow modeling, simulations using real world electricity use data and security threat analysis.

Solar panels and wind turbines

Research Team

Jason Dedrick

Jason Dedrick

Professor, School of Information Studies
Keli Perrin

Keli Perrin

Associate Teaching Professor, College of Law
Ehsan Sabaghian

Ehsan Sabaghian

Ph.D. Candidate, Information Science and Technology, School of Information Studies
Peter Wilcoxen

Peter Wilcoxen

Professor, Public Administration & International Affairs Director, CEPA
Center for Environmental Policy and Administration
200 Eggers Hall