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Thompson shares her thoughts on Biden, Harris with LocalSYR

"President Biden served eight years as vice president, so he was very much involved in the Obama presidency," says Margaret Susan Thompson, associate professor of history and political science. 
January 26, 2021

Reeher talks to CNY Central about local benefits of a Biden presidency

"It might make it a little bit easier for John Katko to get the ear of the president if there's a major piece of legislation being negotiated," Reeher says. "We may be on his radar when he's thinking about the problems of small to mid-size cities. Are they getting the help from the federal government that they need? I think that is going to be a good thing for this area."
January 25, 2021

Reeher discusses Trump's legacies in The Hill

Professor Grant Reeher says that, in terms of policy, one of former President Donald Trump’s most enduring legacies could be the tax cuts he enacted in 2017. 
January 21, 2021

Reeher comments on Rep. Stefanik's career trajectory in Times Union

Rep. Elise Stefanik’s career trajectory has always followed two paths, says Professor Grant Reeher: astute and methodical political operative and ideological warrior.
January 19, 2021

Reeher discusses New York State's first Senate majority leader, Schumer, with Democrat & Chronicle

Professor Grant Reeher says Sen. Chuck Schumer’s rise to the majority leader role would likely have "some beneficial effect" in terms of money flowing to his home state, though he suggests that could be tempered by how closely divided the Senate is. 
January 14, 2021

Thorson quoted in National Geographic article on conspiracy theories

Emily Thorson, assistant professor of political science, was quoted in the National Geographic article, "Why people latch on to conspiracy theories, according to science." 
January 11, 2021

Keck weighs in on Trump impeachment in Al Jazeera

Thomas Keck, Michael O. Sawyer Chair of Constitutional Law and Politics, was quoted in the Al Jazeera article, "'Toothless tiger': Impeachment could bar Trump from future office."
January 11, 2021

See related: Federal, United States

Gadarian discusses Rep. Stefanik's loyalty to Trump with North Country Public Radio

Shana Gadarian, associate professor of political science, spoke with North Country Public Radio (NCPR) about the significance of Stefanik's objection to the electoral count and her loyalty to President Donald Trump.
January 8, 2021

Maxwell faculty speak to the media about violence at the US Capitol

Those who spoke with various media outlets about yesterday's violence at the U.S. Capitol include Professor Emeritus William C. Banks who said the fiasco was a "lawless threat" to the country's democratic institutions. 
January 7, 2021

O'Keefe discusses Defense Secretary nominee Lloyd Austin in The Hill

University Professor Sean O'Keefe says that while the nomination of may have surprised more than a few people, Austin "may well prove to be exactly the right person for this tough job at this time in our nation’s history." Read O'Keefe's full commentary, "Lloyd Austin can lead — as a civilian," published in The Hill. 
January 6, 2021

White comments on Georgia runoff election in The 74, La Tercera

"Senators who are willing to vote with the other side will certainly find themselves getting a lot of attention and likely very favorable treatment of any issues that disproportionately affect their states," Assistant Professor of Political Science Steven White told The 74. He also spoke to La Tercera about the runoff election in Georgia. 
January 6, 2021

Lasch-Quinn explores the meaning of life in new book

Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn
December 31, 2020

Lamis Abdelaaty examines disparities in refugee treatment

Lamis Abdelaaty
December 26, 2020

See related: Refugees

Lasch-Quinn talks to spiked about her new book, Ars Vitae

Why write a book that appears to be calling for greater self-focus, for the cultivation of more "inwardness," when we appear to have a surfeit of damaging self-centered introspection as it is? Because, Professor of History Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn says in her new book, "Ars Vitae," today’s self-obsession entails "a false kind of inwardness. It’s a sham, It’s not the real thing."

December 11, 2020

See related: Europe

Thompson discusses the possibility of Trump resigning with WPIX-11

President Donald Trump could resign shortly before his term ends on Jan. 20 at which point Vice President Mike Pence would assume office and could issue a pardon. "This would certainly be legal, if questionably ethical, especially if there were a prior agreement between Pence and Trump," says Margaret Susan Thompson, associate professor of history and political science. "You’ll recall that Ford pardoned Nixon under similar circumstances, though Ford denied throughout his life that there had been any agreement between him and Nixon." Read
December 2, 2020

See related: Federal, United States

Reeher weighs in on Biden healing the nation in The Hill

"The forces he is up against are much bigger than President Trump and are tectonic in nature. There are a set of forces that push us apart rather than bring us together," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science. But, he adds, "I do think having a period of time for the country to experience the absence of the daily melodrama of the Trump presidency will help."

November 30, 2020

White quoted in Patch article on police unions

Steven White, assistant professor of political science, says one reason it's so hard to fire a police officer, even one who appears to have broken the law, is because there are so many opportunities for the officers and their unions to appeal. "It's not surprising that police unions want it to be harder to punish officers," White added.

November 20, 2020

See related: Labor, United States

Gadarian discusses partisan divide over COVID-19 in USA Today

"I thought at some point, reality would come back in for people and they would have a hard time balancing their motivations to stay consistent with their partisanship with what's going on on the ground," says Shana Gadarian, associate professor of political science.  "That was wholly optimistic on my part."

November 19, 2020

O'Keefe writes about the presidential transition in Breaking Defense

"Each day we tolerate President Trump’s behavior we aren’t just humoring an incumbent who refuses to accept the election results. We are putting American citizens at risk," says University Professor Sean O'Keefe.

November 18, 2020

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