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Bringing Abolition in: Addressing Carceral Logics in Social Science Research

Elizabeth Jordie Davies, Jenn M. Jackson, Shea Streeter
Jenn Jackson, assistant professor of political science, and co-authors review and offer theoretical groundings and empirical approaches to the study of abolition.
August 10, 2021

Reeher quoted in LocalSYR article on gun buyback programs

Professor Grant Reeher says the amount of guns in the United States keeps growing. When it comes to homicides, he says money should be invested in programs in the places where gun crimes and gang violence happen the most.
July 13, 2021

O'Keefe discusses Richard Branson's space flight with CNBC, The Hill

University Professor Sean O’Keefe, former NASA administrator, joined CNBC's Worldwide Exchange to discuss the space flight, and what it means for the billionaire and for the world. O'Keefe also wrote a piece, "Richard Branson's space flight changes the way we look at space," that was published in The Hill. 
July 12, 2021

See related: Europe, Space Exploration

Faricy weighs in on Democrat's proposed tax strategy in Wall Street Journal

A lot of Democratic voters have low trust in government,” says Christopher Faricy, associate professor of political science. "You have to tie it to something that is popular, that you can sell to people that will be an improvement in their day-to-day lives." Read more in the Wall Street Journal article, "Democrats Focus on Turning Tax Talk Into Action." 
July 8, 2021

Gadarian quoted in Vox piece on political polarization, COVID-19 vaccine

"Partisanship is now the strongest and most consistent divider in health behaviors," says Shana Gadarian, professor of political science. 
July 8, 2021

Sarah Pralle examines changes in flood insurance rate maps in Risk Hazard & Crisis in Public Policy

Devin Lea, Sarah Pralle
Pralle, associate professor of political science, and co-authors' findings suggest changes to flood zones on FIRMs occur more often where people have greater socioeconomic means, raising questions of equity for future FIRM appeals and revisions.
June 24, 2021

Thompson quoted in The Hill article on banning communion for Biden

"There really is a tension between bishops and that tension has always existed in the USCCB (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops), it’s always been there. It’s just a question of what is predominant," says Margaret Susan Thompson, associate professor of history and political science.
June 21, 2021

See related: Federal, Religion, United States

Reeher quoted in The Hill article on Biden, success of democracies

"Biden does have a challenge," says Professor Grant Reeher. "He is arguing, 'I am here as the American president to be the leading voice.' But then he is subject to people saying, 'Wait a minute, look at what you folks have been going through. Why is it you? Why isn’t it [German Chancellor] Angela Merkel? Or one of the other leaders?'"
June 10, 2021

Abdelaaty talks to New Books Network about her book "Discrimination and Delegation"

Lamis Abelaaty, assistant professor of political science, spoke with the New Books Network about her recently published book "Discrimination and Delegation: Explaining State Responses to Refugees" (Oxford University Press, 2021).
June 8, 2021

Keck study on international judicial behavior published in LSI

Erik Bleich, Thomas M. Keck, Neha Sharma & Claire Sigsworth
June 3, 2021

See related: Law

Faricy quoted in MarketWatch article on Child Tax Credit payouts

Christopher Faricy was quoted in the article, "Monthly payments of up to $300 per child are starting for most families — and could keep coming for years."
June 1, 2021

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