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Maxwell School News and Commentary

New Handbook Co-Edited by Anthropologist Bhan Provides Comprehensive Perspective on Kashmir Dispute

Mona Bhan, Haley Duschinski and Cabeiri deBergh Robinson

Mona Bhan, professor of anthropology and Ford-Maxwell Professor of South Asian Studies, co-edited and was a contributing author to the “The Palgrave Handbook of New Directions in Kashmir Studies” (Palgrave, 2023).

September 20, 2023

See related: Conflict, India

Heather Law Pezzarossi Quoted in New York Times Article on Washoe Basket Weaver Louisa Keyser

Heather Law Pezzarossi, assistant professor of anthropology, argues that our contemporary arguments over cultural appropriation are misapplied to Louisa Keyser’s baskets. “Authenticity is a completely Western, American fixation we’ve mapped onto this concept of indigeneity to make it part of an American past, not an American future,” she says.

September 20, 2023

Faculty Lead Partnerships to Support Ukrainian Veterans, Strengthen European and US Security

James Baker and Robert Murrett are leading academic partners in the newly formed US-Ukraine Veterans Bridge—Baker additionally leads a network of frontline state scholars.

September 19, 2023

Huber Weighs In on United Auto Workers Strike in The Hill

“The UAW…strike action is ultimately trying to realize one of the Biden Administration’s core policy goals and political selling points: you can have good, family-sustaining union jobs alongside climate action. The problem is the automakers see EV production as a way to trim labor costs and shift production to non-union plants,” says Matt Huber, professor of geography and the environment.

September 19, 2023

Action anthropology and public policy change: Lead poisoning in Syracuse, NY

Sandra D. Lane, Robert A. Rubinstein, Occeana Fair, Katie Farkouh, Melaica Delgado, Tanya S. McGee, Kinley Gaudette, Paul Ciavarri, Maureen Thompson, Md Koushik Ahmed

"Action anthropology and public policy change: Lead poisoning in Syracuse, NY," co-authored by Distinguished Professor of Anthropology Robert Rubinstein, was published in the Annals of Anthropological Practice.

September 19, 2023

Benanav Talks to CNBC About AI and the Future of Work

“I think about academics having to write grants all the time,” says Aaron Benanav, assistant professor of sociology, as an example. Those can be formulaic and would take far less time with the help of a machine. In programming, it’s helping engineers “write up basic outlines of code or sometimes like whole sections of code,” he says. 

September 18, 2023

McFate Speaks with USA Today About the War in Ukraine

"Things are going nowhere for Ukraine," says Sean McFate, adjunct professor in Maxwell's Washington Programs. "Wars are no longer won like World War II by taking the enemy’s land, killing their troops and flying your flag over their capital."

September 16, 2023

Hammond Discusses New Book, “Placing Islam,” in UC Press Blog and in Jadaliyya Article

"One initial impetus for the book was my desire to bring geography’s concepts and insights into better conversation with topics in Middle East area studies," says Timur Hammond, assistant professor of geography and the environment. "Although over a decade has passed since I started research on this topic, expanding the disciplinary connections between geography and Middle East area studies continues to be a core goal."

September 15, 2023

Lerner Center and Maxwell X Lab Join Sheriff’s Office to Reduce Illicit Drugs’ Impact

Supported by a $1.2 million federal grant, they will evaluate the effectiveness of treatment and recovery services for those who’ve been incarcerated.

September 15, 2023

Coplin Examines the Approach to Liberal Arts Education in New Book

Bill Coplin

Bill Coplin, professor of policy studies, has written “The Path to Equity: Inclusion in the Kingdom of Liberal Arts” (Rowman & Littlefield, 2023). In the book, Coplin argues that the approach to liberal arts education that prioritizes academic scholarship and learning for its own sake does not fully equip students with the practical, career-oriented skills for which many people enter college. 

September 14, 2023

See related: Education, United States

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