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Maxwell School News and Commentary

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NAPA names four fellows from Maxwell School faculty

Four Maxwell School faculty members have been selected to join the National Academy of Public Administration as 2019 Academy Fellows. NAPA is a congressionally chartered, nonpartisan, and nonprofit academy providing expert advice to government leaders in building and managing more effective, efficient, accountable, and transparent organizations.
October 8, 2019

Leadership seminars support the National Forum for Black Public Administrators

Thirteen senior public servants came to Maxwell for a three-day program as part of the NFBPA Executive Leadership Institute.
October 7, 2019

See related: Student Experience

Siddiki projects awarded NSF and USDA funding

Saba Siddiki, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, has been awarded two grants for projects beginning this fall. One will support the work of the Institutional Grammar Research Initiative and the other is for project work on urban food action plans to advance human well-being and health, environment, and equity goals.

October 3, 2019

EMPA student Katy Quartaro named a 2019 Tillman Scholar

 “To be a Tillman Scholar means I get to be a part of an outstanding network of some of the best and brightest future leaders in the country," says E.M.P.A.student Katy Quartaro, after being named a 2019 Tillman Scholar.

October 2, 2019

Tenth Decade Fund supports new scholarly projects

The Maxwell School’s Tenth Decade Project provides seed funding for worthy scholarly projects that have the potential to produce significant external research funding and high-impact publications. Since it was created, the Tenth Decade Project has attracted nearly $850,000 in gifts from 267 individual donors, including a lead gift from long-time Maxwell supporters Gerry and Daphna Cramer.

October 2, 2019

See related: Giving, Grant Awards

Ten Maxwell experts to speak at upcoming NASPAA conference

Eight faculty members in Public Administration and International Affairs will be among the 10 Syracuse University representatives appearing on panels at the annual conference of the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA) later this month. NASPAA is an international association of public affairs schools at universities in the United States and abroad
October 1, 2019

See related: Awards & Honors

Smith moves to Virginia Tech as associate professor

Prior to joining the faculty at Virginia Tech, Stephanie Smith '09 Ph.D. (PA) was an associate professor at the University of New Mexico. She has also worked in the nonprofit sector in San Francisco and served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Vladivostok, Russia, prior to her return to academia.

September 25, 2019

Attorney Millman writes debut thriller

Jode Millman ’76 B.A. (Soc) has released a thriller novel titled "The Midnight Call." Millman currently co-hosts and co-produces the Backstage with the Bardavon podcast, a series that invites listeners backstage for conversations with musicians and other performers. When not writing, Millman has worked as a lawyer specializing in copyright, trademark, matrimonial and real estate law.

September 25, 2019

See related: Awards & Honors

Curtin fills new public engagement manager position

In his new position as public engagement manager for the City of Menlo Park, California, Clay Curtin '06 M.P.A. will be responsible for implementing a pilot program to increase community engagement. This role, which was newly created for Curtin, is meant to help unite members of the community and community groups directly with city commissions. 

September 25, 2019

Maxwell alumna joins CenterState CEO

In her new role, Honora Spillane '09 J.D./M.P.A. will work on CenterState CEO’s business development portfolio. CenterState CEO is a nonprofit based in Syracuse that focuses on connecting businesses across Central and Northern New York.

September 25, 2019

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