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Maxwell School News and Commentary

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Econ grad Hillmeyer joins Colliers International

Colliers International, a real estate services and investment management company, hired Alec Hillmeyer ’18 B.A. (Econ) as a retail division associate. Previoiusly, Hillmeyer was vice president at Social Movement Media, a full-service digital marketing agency. 

October 25, 2019

Visit to campus builds connections for Online EMPA students

“Online students benefit from the flexibility of being able to complete their coursework on their own schedule from the comfort of their own home, and while the connections they make with their peers and faculty are valuable, the value of place and institutional community that comes from being part of a school can be lacking,” said Nell S. Bartkowiak, director of the Online E.M.P.A. Program.

October 24, 2019

See related: Student Experience

Maxwell alumnus named one of New Jersey’s most influential millennials

Marshall Spevak ’10 B.A. (PSc) was named one of New Jersey’s most influential millennials. Spevak received this award as recognition of his extensive work as a political operative at the New Jersey Statehouse.

October 23, 2019

See related: Awards & Honors

Hopes for Liberia grow from a student’s perseverance

“I realized I can do anything I want to link my personal history to public service,” said Thompson Scholar Debah Tiah, a refuge from Liberia who is pursuing an MPA at Maxwell.

October 22, 2019

See related: Student Experience

Nabatchi and Schwegman earn NASPAA distinctions

Maxwell School professor, Tina Nabatchi, and a PhD student in public administration, David Schwegman, were each individually honored at the recently concluded NASPAA annual conference in Los Angeles.
October 22, 2019

See related: Awards & Honors

Syracuse University mourns passing of Life Trustee J. Patrick Barrett

Barrett served on the University’s Board of Trustees for more than three decades. He also was a member of the Maxwell School Advisory Board from 1991-97, and supported various academic and athletic initiatives. He passed at the age of 82 after a brief battle with leukemia.

October 21, 2019

See related: In Memoriam

Meier to receive Duncombe Award for educational excellence

Kenneth Meier, a distinguished scholar in residence in the School of Public Affairs at American University, received the Duncombe Award in 2019. The award honors former Maxwell professor of public administration William Duncombe.

October 18, 2019

See related: Awards & Honors

Maxwell alumnus named vice president of equity and inclusion

Don Sawyer was named vice president for equity and inclusion at Quinnipiac University. Saywer is responsible for engaging the community in critical conversations and helping train faculty, staff, and students in diversity.
October 15, 2019

Silverstein to study religion, prosocial values among millennials

The degree to which religion is decoupled from prosocial goals and spirituality in contemporary young adults is one of many research questions to be addressed in the project “Spirituality and Prosocial Values in the Absence of Religion Among Millennials and Their Families.” This study will be led by Merril Silverstein, the Marjorie Cantor Endowed Professor of Aging Studies in the Falk College and the Maxwell School.

October 14, 2019

See related: Religion, United States

Sociologists Montez and Monnat earn NIH grants

Maxwell School sociology faculty members lead research teams that were recently awarded R24 grants from the National Institute on Aging, a division of the National Institutes of Health. Jennifer Karas Montez, professor of sociology, is a co-principal investigator, and Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion, is a co-investigator on the first of these highly competitive five-year grants.
October 11, 2019

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