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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Commentary

Michelmore quoted in Los Angeles Times article on Biden's COVID-19 relief proposal

Katherine Michelmore, assistant professor of public administration and international affairs, has studied the impact of the existing program and says, "Over half the kids who would benefit are Black and brown children. 
January 15, 2021

Reeher discusses New York State's first Senate majority leader, Schumer, with Democrat & Chronicle

Professor Grant Reeher says Sen. Chuck Schumer’s rise to the majority leader role would likely have "some beneficial effect" in terms of money flowing to his home state, though he suggests that could be tempered by how closely divided the Senate is. 
January 14, 2021

Steinberg provides insight into what to expect globally in 2021 on TVO

University Professor James Steinberg was a guest on TVO's "The Agenda" to discuss what he witnessed in 2020 and what he expects will play out around the world in 2021.
January 14, 2021

Lovely weighs in on Trump's failed trade war with China in Bloomberg

"China is too big and too important to the world economy to think that you can cut it out like a paper doll," says Professor Mary Lovely. "The Trump administration had a wake-up call." Read more in the Bloomberg article, "How China Won Trump’s Trade War and Got Americans to Foot the Bill." 
January 13, 2021

See related: China, Trade, United States

Landes comments on vaccine prioritization for people with IDD in Washington Post

Scott Landes, associate professor of sociology, says if states had a greater focus on the pandemic’s impact on the disabled," vaccination prioritization would be much clearer. You would have the evidence to tell you what needs to be done."
January 13, 2021

Williams contributes Atlantic Council piece on the future of NATO

"Christen a carrier strike group," written by Associate Professor of Public Administration and International Affairs Michael John Williams, was included in the Atlantic Council's "NATO 20/2020: Twenty bold ideas to reimagine the Alliance after the 2020 U.S. election."
January 12, 2021

Lovely talks to Marketplace about Capitol riot, foreign investors

Professor Mary Lovely sees the nation in uncharted territory and is focused on the question of how much uncertainty was added into the system Wednesday.

January 11, 2021

See related: China, Government

Banks discusses the National Guard monitoring protests with NBC News

The use of National Guard units in June during the nationwide demonstrations following George Floyd’s death was "fundamentally exceptional and different from the way civilians and the military have ordinarily worked together," says Professor Emeritus William Banks.
January 11, 2021

See related: Government, United States

Thorson quoted in National Geographic article on conspiracy theories

Emily Thorson, assistant professor of political science, was quoted in the National Geographic article, "Why people latch on to conspiracy theories, according to science." 
January 11, 2021

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