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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Commentary

Michelmore weighs in on expanding the child tax credit in Sinclair Broadcast Group article

"A program that is geared toward giving families money to reduce child poverty is money well spent," says Katherine Michelmore, assistant professor of public administration and international affairs. She was quoted in the Sinclair Broadcast Group article, "Dems aim to increase, expand child tax credit, but some Republicans object." 
February 11, 2021

Engelhardt cited in Bloomberg article on missed housing payments

Fewer people surveyed at the end of last year said they feared losing their homes, which may be a result of government aid so far, says Gary Engelhardt, professor of economics. Read more in the Bloomberg article, "More Than 5% of Americans Didn’t Pay Rent, Mortgage in December." 
February 10, 2021

Lovely discusses Biden's approach to trade in Associated Press article

"He is going to take his time," says Professor Mary Lovely. "Biden has said repeatedly that he needs America to be stronger before he takes on a lot of these trade issues.’" Read more in the Associated Press article, "Biden treads carefully around Trump's combative trade policy." 
February 10, 2021

Banks weighs in on Republican's support for Trump in China Daily

Because Senate conviction requires a two-thirds majority, it is highly unlikely that 67 senators will line up against the former president, according to Professor Emeritus William C. Banks. 
February 10, 2021

Reeher discusses significance of Trump's impeachment trial in Newsweek

Professor Grant Reeher says people should be "wary" of attempting to identify a historical trend from just two cases: former President Bill Clinton and former President Donald Trump. However, he says the fact that three of four impeachment trials have happened in just over two decades "is in part a reflection of the deep political polarization the nation has been experiencing."
February 9, 2021

Lovely quoted in Politico article on impact of Trump's trade policy

"The Trump administration never had a feasible plan for reducing the trade deficit," explains Professor Mary Lovely.
February 8, 2021

McCormick discusses security between the US and Mexico in The Hill

Gladys McCormick, associate professor of history and Jay and Debe Moskowitz Endowed Chair in Mexico-U.S. Relations, published this article in The Hill: "Improving the security situation between US-Mexico."
February 8, 2021

Banks weighs in on Trump's impeachment case in Wall Street Journal

In a criminal case, a prosecutor would have to prove that former President Donald Trump "could have reasonably foreseen that his incitement was likely to lead to all hell happening at the Capitol," says Professor Emeritus William Banks.
February 8, 2021

Gueorguiev quoted in South China Morning Post on Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement

Dimitar Gueorguiev was quoted in the South China Morning Post article "U.S. lawmakers nominate Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement for the Nobel Peace Prize."
February 4, 2021

See related: China, Government, Human Rights

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