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Maxwell School News and Commentary

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Jackson quoted in the Guardian article on the use of tasers by police

"The reforms haven’t changed the way that especially black and brown folks experience policing,” says Jenn Jackson, assistant professor of political science. "We are still seeing the same violence…Whatever tools that police officers have at their disposal will be used to physically harm those people, whether it’s a billy club, hose, a dog, a Taser or a gun."
April 21, 2021

Radcliffe quoted in Marketplace piece on companies, voter restrictions

Dana Radcliffe, adjunct professor of public administration and international affairs, says that although taking a stand can be tricky, "if companies are dragging their feet or not getting involved when fundamental questions of democracy are at stake, that could be a long-term threat." 
April 15, 2021

Jacobson discusses the removal of US troops from Afghanistan on MSNBC

"I just think that he [Biden] has been given, by his team, a false binary choice: either we stay indefinitely with a massive commitment, or we leave," says Mark Jacobson, assistant dean for Washington Programs who served in Afghanistan with both the Army and Navy reserves. "And there's a lot of areas in between, a lot of work we can do that is beyond that binary choice."


April 15, 2021

Reeher quoted in Newsday article on Gov. Cuomo's budget

Gov. Andrew Cuomo adopted a $212 billion state budget last week that raised spending $18 billion, or nearly 10 percent. 
April 14, 2021

Murrett weighs in on the size of China's naval fleet in Military Times

When it comes to fleet size, Robert Murrett, professor of practice of public administration and international affairs, says that China’s fleet largely remains in its backyard, while a good number of the U.S. force is underway around the world, making a number-to-number assessment incomplete.
April 13, 2021

See related: China, National Security

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