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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Commentary

Reeher Contributes to PolitiFact Piece on Number of Bills Gov. Hochul Has Passed

Professor Grant Reeher was quoted in the PolitiFact article "Since taking office, Hochul has passed more than 400 new bills."

May 3, 2022

Taylor Discusses US Immigration Plan to Attract Russian Scientists in Forbes

Professor Brian Taylor was quoted in the Forbes article "Putin Won’t Like U.S. Immigration Plan To Attract Russian Scientists."

May 3, 2022

Murrett Piece on the Implications of the War in Ukraine Published in The Hill

"The current fight and lasting implications of the war in Ukraine," written by Professor of Practice Robert Murrett, was published in The Hill. 

May 2, 2022

See related: NATO, Russia, Ukraine

Wiemers Talks to the New York Times About Wealth Created by the Pandemic Housing Market

Emily Wiemers, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, was quoted in the New York Times article "The Extraordinary Wealth Created by the Pandemic Housing Market."

May 2, 2022

Elizabeth Cohen Quoted in WIRED Article on Rethinking Time

Professor of Political Science Elizabeth Cohen was interviewed for the WIRED article "With the Clock Running Out, Humans Need to Rethink Time Itself."

April 29, 2022

Williams Talks to KCBS Radio About Finland and Sweden Possibly Joining NATO

Michael Williams, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, was interviewed on KCBS Radio about Finland and Sweden making moves towards possible NATO membership.

April 27, 2022

See related: Europe, NATO, Russia

Reeher Talks to the Washington Examiner About Democrats Losing Hispanic Voters

Professor Grant Reeher was quoted in the Washington Examiner article "Democrats lose Hispanic and blue-collar voters at same time."

April 20, 2022

Gadarian Quoted in USA Today Article on Federal Judge Voiding Mask Mandate on Public Transit

Professor Shana Gadarian spoke with USA Today about the implications of the recent ruling by a federal judge in Florida to strike down the federal mask mandate on public transportation.

April 20, 2022

Dennison Discusses the Upstate-Crouse Hospital Merger with

Professor of Practice Emeritus Tom Dennison was quoted in the article "Syracuse hospital merger: Upstate and Crouse, once fierce rivals, unite to grow stronger."

April 18, 2022

Schwartz Weighs in on School Transitions in Boston Globe Article

Amy Ellen Schwartz, Daniel Patrick Moynihan Chair in Public Affairs, was quoted in the Boston Globe article "Once a crown jewel of BPS, Roxbury’s Timilty Middle School will close in June. Will its history of transformation be remembered?"

April 18, 2022

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