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Mitchell discusses history of rebellion in New York City on KPFA

Don Mitchell, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Geography, asserts that New York City has exploded almost every decade for over 400 years in rebellion in his book "Revolting New York: How 400 Years of Riot, Rebellion, Uprising, and Revolution Shaped a City."

June 27, 2018

Mitra op-ed on labor market imbalances in India published in Mint

"While good ideas to deal with them exist both within and outside the government, implementation is key. This is where the government often does not perform well," writes Devashish Mitra, professor of economics and Gerald B. and Daphna Cramer Professor of Global Affairs.

June 26, 2018

Reeher discusses local Dem congressional primary with CNY Central

"Perez Williams has higher name recognition than [Dana] Balter due to her previous run for mayor. She also has the support of the national party organization. But this is the kind of race in which the actual result might not match polling," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science.

June 26, 2018

O'Keefe featured in Popular Mechanics article on proposed Space Force

"There's been no effort to even address that point. I can barely call what was articulated [on Monday by the president] a vision. It was more of just an expression. You know, that's about it," says University Professor Sean O'Keefe.

June 25, 2018

Lovely discusses US-China trade war in Economist, Associated Press, NY Times, Washington Post

"We’ve never seen anything like this," Mary Lovely told the Associated Press. Lovely recently spoke with multiple news outlets about the trade war between the U.S. and China.  

June 25, 2018

O'Keefe weighs in on Trump's planned Space Force in TIME

"Creation of a separate military service as a ‘Space Force’ is a solution in search of a problem," says Sean O’Keefe, University Professor and Howard G. and S. Louise Phanstiel Chair in Strategic Management and Leadership. "There’s no reason to believe that space-related programs would fare any better than they do today under the U.S. Air Force recognizance."

June 20, 2018

Taylor comments on Putin, World Cup in USA Today

"Vladimir Putin sees the World Cup as another opportunity to advance his campaign to restore Russia’s rightful place in the world," says Brian Taylor, professor and chair of political science.

June 20, 2018

Mitra discusses steel tariffs in Auburn Citizen

"Tariffs on the imports of steel will make steel more expensive here, thereby raising the cost of production in steel-using industries and making them less profitable," says Devashish Mitra, professor of economics and Gerald B. and Daphna Cramer Professor of Global Affairs. "These steel-using industries will then cut employment."

June 19, 2018

Reeher comments on family separations at the border in The Hill

"The visuals are very powerful, the individual stories that you can tell are very powerful," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute.  "All the things that drive attention are there."

June 19, 2018

Faricy discusses Pence's visit to Syracuse with CNY Central

Chris Faricy, associate professor of political science, says that typically when a vice president comes to town, it's significant and a way for Republicans to raise money and create a buzz. He adds that these visit are "a signal that the establishment Republicans are behind his [the vice president's] candidacy."

June 19, 2018

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