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Maxwell School News and Commentary

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Monnat weighs in on new research on opioid use, 2016 election results

"Opioids are a symptom and a symbol of much larger social and economic problems, and those social and economic problems came to bear during the 2016 election," says Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion. She was interviewed for the MedPage Today article "High Opioid-Use Counties Voted Trump in 2016." 
July 6, 2018

Barkun quoted in Southern Poverty Law Center article on Russell Walker, Christian Identity

Michael Barkun, professor emeritus of political science, notes that Russell Walker’s website contains "statements that are pure [Christian] Identity." "Generally speaking, people in Christian Identity have contempt for existing political institutions," he says.

July 6, 2018

Lovely speaks with BBC, NPR, NYT, Guardian about US-China trade war

Mary Lovely speaks with multiple news outlets about the U.S tariffs on $34 billion worth of Chinese imports. She looks at the long run impact, to forecast the economic effect of such an action.
July 6, 2018

Lovely quoted in Wash Post article on impending US-China trade war

"What happens Friday will 'represent a fundamental retreat by the leader of the global trading system'," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics, adding, "It will be seen as a turning point."

July 5, 2018

Morgan discusses his Brexit Flowchart in Dublin City University Brexit Institute blog

Glyn Morgan, associate professor of political science, says that while there are still uncertainties surrounding Brexit, Options One (a Norway-type model) and Two (a border in the Irish Sea) are the most probable outcomes, with Option One potentially serving as the foundation for an agreement and a subsequent transition period that extends beyond the next U.K. General Election.

July 5, 2018

Bybee discusses American civility on On The Media radio program

"Policing of tone, I don't think, is just atmospherics. It really is a way of conveying a different understanding of the respect that people are owed," says Keith Bybee, professor of political science.

July 2, 2018

Elizabeth Cohen discusses Political Value of Time on New Books Network

Elizabeth Cohen, professor of political science, spoke to the New Books Network about her recently published book The Political Value of Time: Citizenship, Duration, and Democratic Justice.

June 29, 2018

Monnat discusses opioid overdose rates in rural New England on New Hampshire Public Radio

Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion says long-running challenges in many rural communities are the underlying drivers of the increase in opioid overdose rates, things like economic decline and social isolation. 

June 28, 2018

Sultana quoted in Grist article on climate scientist James Hansen

Looking back on how scientists responded to climate change over the past 30 years, Farhana Sultana, associate professor of geography, says "a positive outcome is that today a number of young people understand and care about the impacts of climate change…with a greater focus on issues of equity and justice."

June 27, 2018

Lovely weighs in on Harley-Davidson, tariffs in AP, Reuters, NBC

"More firms will follow Harley’s lead and move production overseas," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics. "Can’t blame them. Many companies are being put in very difficult positions." 

June 27, 2018

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