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Maxwell School News and Commentary

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Lovely weighs in on China's trade surplus with US in Business Insider

According to Mary Lovely, professor of economics, the decline in imports subject to tariffs could also be due to a slowdown in frontloading, or companies rushing orders to avoid duties.

December 13, 2018

Michelmore paper on targeting low-income students for college released

A study by Katherine Michelmore, assistant professor of public administration and international affairs, suggests that low-income students are more likely to apply to selective colleges if they’re aware that they can receive financial aid.

December 13, 2018

Bifulco's research on Say Yes program cited in article

Robert Bifulco, professor of public administration and international affairs, found gains in Buffalo after Say Yes when studying the scores of individual students, not just the district as a whole.

December 10, 2018

Lovely weighs in on Trump's trade war tactics in The Atlantic

Professor of Economics Mary Lovely argues that Trump’s trade actions "are a prime example of 20th-century tools aimed at the knowledge-embodying trade flows of the 21st century."

December 10, 2018

Monnat weighs in on two NYS proposals to combat drug crisis on NPR

According to Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion, politicians are looking for quick fixes because of their short terms in office and public health in the U.S. too often treats problems after they appear. "If we were to invest similar money into revitalizing social infrastructure and economic infrastructure and our educational system we would see long term benefits," she says. 

December 10, 2018

Huber speaks with VICE about the Green New Deal

"History shows that, especially with our country being the richest and having the most wealth and resources to deploy, we can do massive transformational things," says Matt Huber, associate professor of geography, about the Green New Deal.

December 7, 2018

McCormick quoted in UPI article on militarizing police in Mexico

There is nothing new here when it comes to putting military officers in charge of a police force. This is the same thing that has been trotted out by other administrations," says Gladys McCormick, associate professor of history and Jay and Debe Moskowitz Endowed Chair in Mexico-U.S. Relations.

December 5, 2018

Ebner cited in Slate article on history of fascism

Michael Ebner, associate professor of history and expert on the history of modern Europe, Italy and fascism, provides a comparison point for the Republicans' treatment of the Proud Boys.

December 5, 2018

Lovely discusses trade war with Wash Post, Business Insider, NPR

"People who shop at Walmart or Target are going to be hit harder than people who buy their toaster ovens from Williams Sonoma or can afford to get products from a higher-income country," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics.

December 4, 2018

O'Keefe explains why Mars InSight is an important endeavor in The Hill

"Today’s technology gives us the means to minimize human risk of space ventures by having a much better idea of what we’re likely to encounter and the ability to have a much better plan of what we can do when people do arrive," says Sean O'Keefe, University Professor and Howard and Louise Phanstiel endowed Chair in Strategic Management and Leadership. 

December 3, 2018

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