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Maxwell School News and Commentary

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Burman cited in NY Times article on Warren's proposed wealth tax

Len Burman, Paul Volcker Chair in Behavioral Economics, suggests eliminating a provision of current law in which assets that increase in value can go essentially untaxed across generations as a way to reduce inequality.

February 18, 2019

IR student-refugee starts interpreter business for other CNY refugees

Khadijo Abdulkadir, an undergraduate international relations student at the Maxwell School, was the subject of the story "‘A star’ refugee starts business to speak for other Syracuse refugees, in 20 languages." Abdulkadir, a Somali refugee who came to Syracuse ten years ago speaking no English, says her business "will offer services to refugees that we did not have when we came here. It will be by refugees, for refugees." 02/18/19
February 18, 2019

Lovely speaks with Associated Press, Washington Post about Trump's tariffs

According to Professor of Economics Mary Lovely, "this is not a negotiating tactic. Trump is a true believer...He wrongly believes tariffs will help the U.S. auto industry."

February 15, 2019

Banks discusses Trump's emergency powers in NY Times, Vox

"This is a real institutional threat to the separation of powers to use emergency powers to enable the president to bypass Congress to build a wall on his own initiative that our elected representatives have chosen not to fund," says William C. Banks, professor of public administration and international affairs. 

February 15, 2019

Monnat featured in CityLab article on geography of the opioid crisis

Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion, argues that in both rural and urban communities, two key factors—economic distress and supply of opioids—predict the rate of opioid deaths. "I really do want to push back against this cliché that addiction does not discriminate," Monnat says. "The physiological processes that underlie addiction themselves may not discriminate, but the factors that put people in communities at higher risk are are not spatially random."

February 14, 2019

Lovely provides an economic history of tariffs on Marketplace

"The economy has changed a lot since 1888 and in particular, when we think about who bears the burden of tariffs, we have to recognize the development of very complex supply chains for American companies," says Professor of Economics Mary Lovely. 

February 13, 2019

Banks discusses Trump's power to declare border emergency in Newsday

WIlliam Banks in his opinion piece, "Opinion: Declaration would defy Congress and abuse power," claims that "If Congress passes a resolution opposing any such national emergency proclamation, President Donald Trump could veto the resolution and Congress would likely have to live with the consequences of an inappropriate invocation of national emergency that Congress itself authorized in 1976,"
February 11, 2019

Barkun quoted in Business Insider article on conspiracy films

According to Michael Barkun, professor emeritus of political science, disillusionment can be a subtle risk of conspiracy theory media. "People may draw the conclusion that conventional politics is meaningless. If they genuinely believe that what happens in the world is a result of the hidden hand of some mysterious elite, then presumably ordinary political activity is meaningless as are the decisions of lawmakers and officeholders," he says. 

February 11, 2019

Pulliam co-authors report comparing different tax credit policies

The report by Maxwell alumnus Chris Pulliam ’17 B.A. (Econ/Psc)/’18 M.P.A. examines various proposed and current tax credit policies in the United States, including the earned income tax credit, child tax credit, and workers tax credit.

February 7, 2019

Banks, Bybee quoted in TIME's State of the Union fact check

"Most experts agree that there is no crisis at the southern border," William Banks, professor emeritus of public administration and international affairs, says about Trump's claim that a wall is needed because of a crisis at the border.

February 6, 2019

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