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Maxwell School News and Commentary

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Elizabeth Cohen discusses her book Citizenship on New Books Network

"Citizenship" (Polity Books, 2019), co-authored by Elizabeth Cohen, professor of political science, takes the reader through the authors' approaches to the concept of citizenship and begins by highlighting how it is not always or often consistently applied and understood.

October 18, 2019

See related: Civil Rights, United States

Burman discusses the cost of Warren's Medicare for All in the Atlantic

Leonard Burman, Paul Volcker Chair in Behavioral Economics, says raising significantly more tax revenue to fund Medicare for All "is plausible in the sense that it is theoretically possible. But the revolution that would come along with it would get in the way." 

October 18, 2019

Lovely discusses the latest in US-China trade talks with Business Insider, NPR, The Week

"We have to remember that every other country in the world will be doing business with China. That puts our companies at a severe disadvantage in doing business," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics.

October 15, 2019

Zhu weighs in on fossil fuel divestment in Harvard Crimson

Maria Zhu, assistant professor of economics, says that the University of California’s decision could be "a sign that the tides are shifting" on universities’ economic views of investing in fossil fuels. “If it has a positive impact, I do believe more schools will eventually divest for financial reasons, given that most of them tend to think social implications of divesting are positive or neutral at worst."

October 15, 2019

Jackson discusses forgiveness after violence on WNYC's The Takeaway

"What's happening, at least in my research, is that young people have been organizing for a great deal of time. And what they've been saying is that, you know, enough is enough," says Jenn Jackson, assistant professor of political science.

October 15, 2019

Gadarian speaks to Spectrum News about the impeachment inquiry

"This is bigger than a partisan fight," says Shana Gadarian, associate professor of political science. "This is really about the nature of what is the presidency and what can it be used for."

October 9, 2019

Lovely discusses US, China with CNBC, Foreign Policy, Bloomberg, Business Insider, Financial Times

“The Chinese meanwhile are incredibly pragmatic, and they’ll certainly consider the possibility that the impeachment inquiry is having an effect. They’ll see the president as weakened. That will matter," says Professor of Economics Mary Lovely.

October 8, 2019

Khalil discusses US-Iranian relations on Australian radio program

Osama Khalil, associate professor of history, discusses the current state of U.S.-Iran relations, arguing that the U.S.'s withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal has made it more difficult to achieve a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict between the two countries.

October 8, 2019

Lovely quoted in Business Insider article on service-sector activity

"We can see that service jobs are put at risk when President Trump launches a trade war," says Professor of Economics Mary Lovely. "Many service jobs depend on trade, not just because we export services directly but also because services go into export production."

October 7, 2019

See related: Federal, Labor, Trade, United States

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