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Mitra discusses India's decision to opt out of RCEP in Economic Times

"I sincerely hope...India will soon decide to join RCEP at a future date, when it is also able to obtain better terms," says Devashish Mitra, Gerald B. and Daphna Cramer Professor of Global Affairs.

November 15, 2019

See related: Economic Policy, India

Bennett discusses Trump's impeachable offenses in Daily Beast

David Bennett, professor emeritus of history analyzes the historical causes of impeachment trials, and how Donald Trump's actions that have led to his impeachment trial uphold these three historical theories of why presidents get impeached.
November 13, 2019

See related: Congress, Federal, United States

McCormick discusses the violence in Mexico with CNN, Washington Post

A whole series of sort of mid-tier and lower level and smaller kind of up-and-coming, wannabe cartels are trying to set up shop in this terrain," says Gladys McCormick, associate professor of history and Jay and Debe Moskowitz Endowed Chair in Mexico-U.S. Relations. "They're striking deals with each other, with the big players."

November 11, 2019

Lovely discusses US-China tariff rollback in Associated Press, South China Morning Post

"We can be cautiously optimistic here,” Professor of Economics Mary Lovely says about potential tariff rollbacks. "The signals that are coming out are moving in the right direction for a deal."

November 8, 2019

Armstrong, Singleton cited in Science article on Caribbean excavation

Doug Armstrong and Theresa Singleton, both professors of anthropology, were interviewed for the Science article "Caribbean excavation offers intimate look at the lives of enslaved Africans." They shared insight from their own research on plantation slavery in the Caribbean. Maxwell alum Mark Hauser '98 MA (Anth)/'01 PhD (Anth) was also mentioned in the article.
November 8, 2019

Banks comments on impeachment proceedings in China Daily

William C. Banks, professor emeritus of public administration and international affairs, says "stonewalling" by administration members is based on the presumption that courts will uphold White House executive privilege. "This ploy buys time and delays the House proceedings, but also may add another charge in the impeachment—obstruction of justice."

November 8, 2019

Lovely talks to Marketplace about weaknesses in US manufacturing

"We’re seeing the slowdown hit the Midwest, the farm belt," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics. "And a big slowdown in business investment, capital equipment purchases, is hitting states like Pennsylvania and Illinois." 

November 7, 2019

McCormick speaks with Boston Herald, Bloomberg about cartel violence in Mexico

On Monday, nine members of a Mormon family, all US citizens, were killed in northern Mexico in an apparent attack by drug cartels. "The level of violence is brutal," Gladys McCormick, Jay and Debe Moskowitz Endowed Chair in Mexico-U.S. Relations, told the Boston Herald
November 7, 2019

Jackson weighs in on women's bodily autonomy in Washington Post

"[Deyjah Harris] is an adult—she can pretty much do what she wants—so why is he [Harris' father, Clifford Joseph] still invested in what she does with her body?" says Jenn Jackson, assistant professor of political science. "These are the types of ways young girls are socialized to understand their bodies do not belong to them, that they are a societal possession."

November 7, 2019

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