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Reeher comments on 2020 NY presidential primary in Daily Star

Professor of Political Science Grant Reeher likens the 2020 Democratic primary to the 2016 GOP primary when several rivals of then-candidate Donald Trump kept their campaigns alive for as long as possible in hopes of stopping the eventual nominee's rise.

February 20, 2020

Jok op-ed on Sudan's former dictator published in Daily Nation

"Many Sudanese people from the areas that were terrorised by his security forces have said that trying him in Sudan would be a slap in the face of all these victims and their communities, for they cannot be confident that there won’t be Sudanese judges who might rig the process in his favour," writes Professor of Anthropology Jok Madut Jok.

February 17, 2020

Elizabeth Cohen discusses new book on Blog Talk Radio

Elizabeth Cohen, professor of political science, provides the full scope of the immigration bias against individuals belonging to marginalized groups, starting in the days just after 9/11, and examines how the panic of the time gave way to the creation of a complex and unmonitored infrastructure that the Trump administration has unleashed without recourse.

February 17, 2020

Reeher discusses the New Hampshire primary in the Hill

"The general phenomenon is one where primary voters are wanting to make decisions among the candidates that are the viable ones. They want to be choosing among those who have a chance," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute.

February 11, 2020

Taylor discusses Putin and Russia's future on BYUradio

Brian Taylor, professor of political science, claims Russians live in a sort of "electoral authoritarianism," where the election looks democratic on the surface with multiple parties, but "enough is done through the manipulation of the rules and control of the media to make sure the favorite candidate always wins."

February 10, 2020

See related: Government, Russia

Lovely discusses US annual trade deficit with Bloomberg, Politico

"Everything the president has done has shown that the advice of more traditional economists has actually been very solid—so we don’t see the trade deficit closing as a result," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics. 

February 6, 2020

Reeher quoted in Modern Healthcare article on political contributions

"One of the main lenses to look at political contributions is as investments. That often leads to big investors hedging their bets, which they often do," says Professor Grant Reeher. He was interviewed for the Modern Healthcare article, about healthcare executives and the political consequences of their campaign donations

February 3, 2020

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