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Maxwell School News and Commentary

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Wiemers to Study Challenges of Caring for Aging Parents Amid Pandemic

Emily Wiemers, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, will serve as principal investigator for a two-year, federally funded study of the challenges to those caring for aging parents amid the COVID-19 pandemic. 

October 21, 2021

Syracuse Mayoral Candidates to Debate on Campbell Conversations

Grant Reeher, director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute, will moderate a debate between Syracuse's mayoral candidates: incumbent Ben Walsh, an independent who is running on the Independence Party line, the Democratic Party nominee Khalid Bey, and the Republican nominee, Janet Burman.
October 20, 2021

Grant Reeher Quoted in Newsweek on Retiring Congress Members

Representative Mike Doyle, a Pennsylvania Democrat, and Representative David Price, a North Carolina Democrat, announced that they would not seek reelection. Professor Grant Reeher expects each seat to remain blue.
October 19, 2021

Amit Sanyal awarded grant to study the integration of autonomous systems in wildland fire management

This National Science Foundation funded project will focus on autonomous unmanned aerial systems to perform wildfire monitoring in hazardous environments.

October 19, 2021

Emily Wiemers to Study challenges of caring for aging parents amid pandemic

Emily Wiemers, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, will serve as principal investigator for a two-year, federally funded study of the challenges to those caring for aging parents amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

October 11, 2021

In Governing, Gadarian Discusses Vaccines' Polarizing Effect

From the very start of the pandemic, people’s willingness to change their behavior—for instance, by washing their hands more or staying home—has been determined more by partisanship than any other factor, including age, race or geography, says Gadarian, professor and chair of political science.
October 8, 2021

Thompson Quoted in Times Union Article on Religious Exemptions for Vaccines

Whether the religious belief is "sincerely held" is a primary metric used by employers when determining whether to grant the requests, says Thompson, associate professor of history and political science.
October 8, 2021

Yingyi Ma Discusses Experiences of Chinese Students in US

Yingyi Ma, associate professor of sociology and director of Asian/Asian American Studies, took part in a virtual program, "People-to-People Exchange: Chinese Students in the U.S.," hosted by the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations (NCUSCR).
October 6, 2021

See related: China, Education, United States

Wilson Op-Ed on Fossil Fuels, Skiing Published in Colorado Sun

In his co-authored op-ed, "Fossil fuels are threatening Colorado skiing," Associate Professor of Geography and the Environment Robert Wilson discusses what's needed in a truly robust climate-funding agenda, including electricity-grid improvements supporting wind and solar farms, green energy development that leverages fossil fuel industry workers’ technical skills and a Civilian Climate Corps.
October 5, 2021

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