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Maxwell School News and Commentary

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Monnat article on teaching to the opioid epidemic published in Medical Teacher

Daniel R. George, Shannon M. Monnat, Rachel Levine, Barbara Blatt & Jed D. Gonzalo
May 31, 2017

Burman analysis of House GOP tax plan in Columbia Journal of Tax Law

"An Analysis of the House GOP Tax Plan," co-authored by Len Burman, Paul Volcker Chair in Behavioral Economics, examines the House GOP tax reform blueprint, which would significantly reduce marginal tax rates, increase standard deduction amounts, repeal personal exemptions and most itemized deductions, and convert business taxation into a destination-based cash flow consumption tax.

April 25, 2017

See related: Taxation, United States

WP 198 Retention Heterogeneity in New York City Schools

Douglas Almond, Ajin Lee & Amy Ellen Schwartz
Using regression discontinuity methods, the authors find that female students are 25% more likely to be retained in their grade due to exam failure than boys. 
October 31, 2016

See related: New York State

Polarization and the Politics of Personal Responsibility

Jeffrey M. Stonecash
December 31, 2015

See related: United States

Out of the Ivory Tower

Maxwell’s Kristi Andersen is part of a small cast of Central New York scholars who convene weekly to reflect on public events and issues — all for the benefit of a local television audience. This they have done now more than 500 times!

June 28, 2015

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