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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: United States

Khalil quoted in USA Today article on US-Iran tensions in Iraq

"Iraq has become a battleground for American and Iranian influence," says Osamah Khalil, associate professor of history.

January 13, 2020

Lovely comments on US-China trade pact in The Guardian

"There is very little in the agreement that could not be achieved by partnering with allies that were also concerned about the same issues," says Professor of Economics Mary Lovely.

January 13, 2020

Banks weighs in on Iran retaliation in Newsweek

"This is an escalation for sure but retaliation, revenge or reprisals are unlawful at international law, not that Iran abides by international law," says William C. Banks, professor emeritus of public administration and international affairs. "The risks are that the U.S. will play along and some escalatory act will be disproportionate to the circumstances, leading to something far worse," he adds.

January 10, 2020

Khalil discusses Iran's missile attacks with CNY Central

"We would hope now is that cooler heads will prevail within the Trump administration that can reason with the President that the time is now for negotiations rather than further escalation," says Osamah Khalil, associate professor of history.

January 10, 2020

Reeher speaks to US News about 2020 elections in NY State

"It solidifes their majority, and puts in place this idea that New York is just blue, full stop," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science. "And it seems like it's going to be really tough for Republicans to make a real run at the governor's seat, given what we've seen in recent elections." 

January 9, 2020

Lovely comments on Phase One China trade deal in Associated Press, Washington Post

"It’s a very toxic brew and I don’t know that we’re really going to see much progress on it," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics, about the first phase of a U.S.-China trade agreement.

January 9, 2020

Monnat quoted in Marie Claire article on dermatology deserts

"There is less access to healthcare overall in rural towns compared to urban areas of the U.S. Many rural parts of the country don’t even have a hospital, much less specialty care like dermatology," says Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion.

January 9, 2020

See related: Rural Issues, United States

Schmeller discusses how the poinsettia came to the US in Washington Post

Mark Schmeller discusses how the 'Christmas Flower,' poinsettia came from Mexico to the United States.
January 8, 2020

Radcliffe explores the fairness of the impeachment process in the Hill

"If any Senate Republicans harbor doubts about [Mitch] McConnell’s position, then, recalling their oath to 'support and defend the Constitution,' they must ask themselves: Did the framers of the Constitution intend senators to be impartial jurors in impeachment trials?," writes Dana Radcliffe, adjunct professor of public administration and international affairs.

January 7, 2020

See related: Congress, United States

Burman offers his view on Trump's tax cuts in Wall Street Journal

"We borrowed a lot of money to give tax cuts to big corporations and rich people in not the most effective way," says Leonard Burman, Paul Volcker Chair in Behavioral Economics. "The real concern is the growing debt and the possibility that interest rates won’t stay low forever—and I don’t think they will." 

January 7, 2020

See related: Federal, Taxation, United States

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